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meico v0.8.15

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@axelberndt axelberndt released this 24 Aug 08:31
· 88 commits to master since this release


  • Little tweak in method meico.mei.Mei.processMeasure() as it struggled to remove and inserting timeSignature elements from timeSignatureMap when the measure does not comply with the given time signature.
  • Indexing correction in method meico.mpm.elements.styles.defs.AccentuationPatternDef.addAccentuationToArrayList() so accentuations are added in the correct order to patterns.
  • In method meico.mei.Mei.processSyl() attribute wordpos was mandatory (with values i or m) to process attribte con. This did not work for some cases. So, wordpos is now being ignored and con will always be processed.