I’m @celiahein. I'm an ecological data scientist, recent PhD graduate, and current postdoctoral researcher at the University of Toronto.
🖥️ I use statistical modelling, machine learning, and high performance computing to solve complex problems, mainly in biological systems.
🌱 I recently developed a program that compares glmms to estimate the optimal spatial scale of species-landcover relationships to improve distribution modelling using empirical data of multiple bee🐝species as the example.
🍎 It's important to me to make science and learning to code as easy as possible, and I am working on putting a series of coding tutorials on my website.
🔎 I’m seeking career opportunities beyond academia in computational and quantitative biology and data science.
👀 I'm looking forward to expanding into predictive modelling and deep-learning.
🙂 Please feel free to reach out!
I would also like to introduce my incredible collaborator: Edgar the Wise