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Filesystem update examples

Aurélien Degrémont edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 1 revision

This section presents how to use Shine to solve some classical use cases in a Lustre filesystem lifetime.

  • All the following examples are using Shine and consider you have previously installed on the related servers. The admin node should have a SSH access to each of them.
  • All actions should be done on the admin node unless specified.

Add clients

You have increase your cluster size or want to mount your Lustre filesystem on some new nodes, i.e: azur[50-59].

This could be done when your filesystem is up and running, and this example considers so.

  1. Declare the new client in the model file, adding the following line:

     client: node=azur[50-59]
  2. Update the filesystem

     $ shine update -m /etc/shine/models/myfs.lmf
     Using Lustre model file myfs.lmf
           Mount: 10 component(s) on azur[50-59]
     Update `myfs': do you want to continue? (y)es/(N)o: y
     Updating file system configuration file `myfs.xmf' on azur[10-20,50-59]
     NEXT ACTIONS (should be done manually)
     > You can now `mount' the needed 10 client(s)
     >  shine mount -f myfs -n azur[50-59]
     Update is finished.
  3. Follow the instructions and mount the new clients

     $ shine mount -f myfs -n azur[50-59]
     Mount successful on azur[50-59]
     Filesystem tuning applied on azur[50-59]
  4. It's done!

Add OSTs

You have by a new disk array and want to increase your filesystem size with it. In this example, we consider:

  • 2x4 new LUNs /dev/mapper/lun[1-4] are available on 2 new servers: azur[12-13]
  • There is already 8 OSTs in the filesystem running on azur[10-11]
  • We set index 8 to 15 for the new OSTs
  • Your filesystem is up and running


  1. Declare the new device in the model file, adding the following lines:

     ost: node=azur12 dev=/dev/mapper/lun[1-4] index=[8-11]
     ost: node=azur13 dev=/dev/mapper/lun[1-4] index=[11-15]
  2. Update the filesystem

     # shine update -m /etc/shine/models/myfs.lmf
     Using Lustre model file ./myfs.lmf
          Format: 8 component(s) on azur[12-13]
           Start: 8 component(s) on azur[12-13]
     Update `myfs': do you want to continue? (y)es/(N)o: y
     Updating file system configuration file `myfs.xmf' on azur[10-13]
     NEXT ACTIONS (should be done manually)
     >You can now `format' 8 new target(s)
     >  shine format -f myfs -l myfs-OST[0008-0010],myfs-OST000a,myfs-OST000b,myfs-OST000c,myfs-OST000d,myfs-OST000e
     >You can now `start' 8 new component(s)
     >  shine start -f myfs -l myfs-OST[0008-0010],myfs-OST000a,myfs-OST000b,myfs-OST000c,myfs-OST000d,myfs-OST000e
     Update is finished.
  3. Follow the instructions: format and start the new OSTs

     # ./shine format -f myfs -l myfs-OST[0008-0010],myfs-OST000a,myfs-OST000b,myfs-OST000c,myfs-OST000d,myfs-OST000e
     Format myfs on azur[11-12]: are you sure? (y)es/(N)o: y
     Format successful.
     ---- - ------  -----
     OST  8 offline azur[11-12]
     # ./shine start -f myfs -l myfs-OST[0008-0010],myfs-OST000a,myfs-OST000b,myfs-OST000c,myfs-OST000d,myfs-OST000e
     Start successful.
     ---- - ------ -----
     OST  8 online azur[11-12]
  4. That's done!

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