The Squash CLI wraps calls to Squash's REST API to make using Squash easy.
See intallation guide here.
To use the Squash tool, provide the url of the squash server via the --url
flag. If the squash server is deployed to kubernetes via the manifests included in the source code, the easiest way to do it is to run kubectl proxy
in the background, and then and add the following url parameter: --url=http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/squash-server-service/proxy/api/v1
This command adds a debug configuration for a container (when you want to debug a known container). For example, to debug a go container:
$ squash debug-container soloio/example-service:v1.0.0 service-rc-dcjsh21 example-service dlv
Debug config id: 1427131847
This command adds a debug configuration for a service. A debug session will be created for the first contaienr of the service that generates a debug event (crash or breakpoint). For example, to debug a go service:
$ squash debug-container service-name soloio/example-service:v1.0.0 dlv --breakpoint main.go:80
Debug config id: 336122540
This command deletes a debug configuration. Example:
$ squash delete 336122540
Lists debug configs. Example:
$ squash list
Active |ID |Attachment.Name |Attachment.Type |Debugger |Image |Immediately
true |336122540 |pod1:container1 |service |dlv |image1 |false
true |1298498081 |pod4:container1 |container |dlv |image1 |true
false |2019727887 |pod3:container2 |container |dlv |image2 |true
false |1427131847 |pod2:container2 |container |dlv |image2 |true
Waits for a debug session to appear in a debug config. Once the Squash client attaches a debugger, it will submit the debug session to the Squash server. Use this command to retreive the session debug server address from the Squash server.
$ squash wait 336122540
Debug session started! debug server is at: pod1:23421