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2012-5 How to Compile 
NaoYarp with NaoQi 1.12 + qibuild
qibuild configure -c naoqi-sdk NaoYARP
qibuild make -c naoqi-sdk NaoYARP

NOTE: [naoqi-sdk] is the sdk name set up beforehand. If you haven't done so try this:
qibuild config --wizard
qitoolchain create naoqi-sdk ["PATH_TO_PYNAOQI_PYTHON"]
qibuild init
2012-5 Jie
* Created a branch for supporting previous NaoQi 1.10.
* The current master trunk supports the latest NaoQi only.
* We might find a way to merge two branches in the future.
Information Before 2012.01 
This project requires YARP and ACE libraries. For remote execution, they can be installed
by binary or source as usual, depending on the computer architecture. 
For on-board execution, the libraries must be cross-compiled for source, using the following 

Cross-Compilation procedure (only for on-board execution)

- Download ACE source code from

- Untar and in root directory create a build folder

- Source cross compilation script to set CPP flags appropriately

  - Execute: "source <path_to_naoqi_cross>"

- Enter ACE directory

- Execute: 

   -export ACE_ROOT=`pwd`
   -ln -s config-linux.h config.h
   -cd ../include/makeinclude
   -ln -s platform_linux.GNU platform_macros.GNU
   -cd ../../ace

- Execute: make 

- Copy lib/* to nao ~/naoqi/lib folder
  - Execute: scp lib/* nao@<...>:~/naoqi/lib

- Download YARP source code from

- Enter extracted folder

- Copy bootstrap.cmake (can be found on AL_DIR/modules/templates/boostrap.cmake.tmpl)

- Edit CMakeLists.txt and type just under project(YARP)

  - include('${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/boostrap.cmake')

- Create a build folder

- Enter folder build

- Execute: cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path-to-naoqi-ctc>/toolchain-geode.cmake ..
  (error might occur, ignore them!)

- Execute: ccmake .

  - Set ACE_INCLUDE_DIR (should be <full_path_to_ACE_root>/include)

  - Set ACE_LIBRARY (should be <full_path_to_ACE_root>/lib/

- Execute make

- Copy lib/* to nao ~/naoqi/lib folder
  - Execute: scp lib/* nao@<...>:~/naoqi/lib


Building process for new  versions of NaoQi  ( >= 1.12 )

-Install qiBuild 

-Create and enter a directory

-Initialize directory with qiBuild
  -qiBuild init

-Set up toolchain
 -qiToolchain <...>

-Create a wrapping project
 -qiBuild create <pName>

-configure the project
-qiBuild configure <pName>

-Checkout NaoYarp inside the new project
-Copy-Paste CMakeLists.txt and main.cpp from NaoYARP/src/NaoRobot/NaoQi/NaoQi-<vession>/naoyarp_wrap
  to root directory of project

-Build project as usual.

Building process NaoQi's up to 1.10

BUILD (for remote execution)

- Create a folder named build 

- Enter folder build

- Execute: cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<your-path-to-naoqi-sdk>/toolchain-pc.cmake ..

- Execute: ccmake .

- Set the path to YARP building directory

- Set the NaoQi version appropriately 

- Check the value of NAOYARP_IS_REMOTE

  NAOYARP_IS_REMOTE can be OFF (a library is produced) or ON (an executable is produced)

- Press c to configure again, then g to generate and exit. 

- Execute: make -jk, where k is the number of cores in your system.

CROSSBUILD (for on-board execution)

- Create a folder named crossbuild 

- Enter folder crossbuild

- Execute: cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path-to-naoqi-ctc>/toolchain-geode.cmake ..

- Execute: ccmake .

- Set the path to YARP building directory

- Set the NaoQi version appropriately 

- Press c to configure

- Check the values of KROBOT_IS_REMOTE, NaoQiVersion, RobotPlatform 

  KROBOT_IS_REMOTE can be OFF (a library is produced) or ON (an executable is produced)

- Real-time execution for the nao requires the code to be compiled as a shared object at the moment.

- Press c to configure again, then g to generate and exit. 

- Execute: make -jk, where k is the number of cores in your system. 



In-source documentation is created using Doxygen with input the Doc.dox file

Run the created module (it should be under <your-path-to-naoqi-sdk> /bin or /lib on the latest NaoQi versions).
Network devices are created automatically!

That's all! Enjoy! 


A YARP interface for the Nao robot






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