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Prepends licensing information to CSS files


yarn add -D postcss-licensing
postcss -u postcss-licensing -o dist/index.css src/index.css


This plugin will prepend your CSS file with a copyright/license. If no path or filename is provided, the plugin will try to find a file with the name LICENSE or COPYRIGHT at the cwd of the postcss config.

You can expect to turn a file like this:

.spectrum--express {
  --spectrum-actionbutton-border-color: transparent;
  --spectrum-actionbutton-background-color: purple;

into this:

 * <copyright content>

.spectrum--express {
  --spectrum-actionbutton-background-color: purple;
  --spectrum-actionbutton-border-color: transparent;


  • filename [type: string[] or string]: optional filename or set of possible filenames. A single filename or full path is allowed. The first item found in the array will be used so be sure to provide them in priority order. Defaults to: ["COPYRIGHT", "LICENSE"].
  • cwd [type: string]: optional working directory from which to search for license files. Defaults to: process.cwd().
  • skipIfEmpty [type: boolean]: if true, skips adding the license when the rest of the file is empty. Defaults to: true.


    filename: 'LICENSE.txt',
    cwd: path.join(process.cwd(), '../../'),
    skipIfEmpty: false,