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A range slider component, implemented natively in Elm.


elm install carwow/elm-slider

Live demo

You can check out the single and double sliders on this demo on Ellie.


For a full example implementation, see examples/Main.elm

There are two types of sliders that can be rendered, a SingleSlider, with one track thumb and a DoubleSlider, with two track thumbs.

Input handling is your responsibility - define a function to decided what to do when the slider's value changes.

SingleSlider Example

singleSlider =
        { min = 0
        , max = 1000
        , value = 500
        , step = 50
        , onChange = SingleSliderChange
type Msg
    = NoOp
    | SingleSliderChange Float

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ div [] [ SingleSlider.view model.singleSlider ] ]


doubleSlider =
        { min = 0
        , max = 1000
        , lowValue = 500
        , highValue = 750
        , step = 50
        , onLowChange = DoubleSliderLowChange
        , onHighChange = DoubleSliderHighChange

type Msg
    = NoOp
    | DoubleSliderLowChange Float
    | DoubleSliderHighChange Float

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ div [] [ DoubleSlider.view model.doubleSlider ] ]

Using a custom formatter

You can use a custom min label formatter, max label formatter, or value formatter like below:

singleSlider =
          { min = 0
          , max = 1000
          , value = 500
          , step = 50
          , onChange = handleSingleSliderChange
          |> SingleSlider.withMinFormatter minFormatter


Example CSS for the slider components is provided at examples/example.css

It is recommended to start with these styles and override them according to the theme of your website.