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Identity Platform Admin UI Charmed Operator

CharmHub Badge Juju License

Continuous Integration Status pre-commit Conventional Commits


This repository hosts a Juju Kubernetes Charmed Operator for the Identity Platform Admin UI application.


The identity-platform-admin-ui operator can be deployed using the following command:

juju deploy identity-platform-admin-ui --channel edge --trust


Please refer to the charmcraft.yaml for all required and provided integrations.

kratos_info Integration

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:kratos-info kratos

hydra_endpoint_info Integration

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:hydra-endpoint-info hydra

oathkeeper_info Integration

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:oathkeeper-info oathkeeper

openfga Integration

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui openfga-k8s

ingress Integration

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:ingress traefik-k8s

oauth Integration

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:oauth hydra

certificate_transfer integration

If the oauth integration is built, please also integrate with a CA issuer charmed operator, e.g. self-signed-certificates operator:

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:receive-ca-cert self-signed-certificates

smtp integration

An smtp integration is necessary for identity-platform-admin-ui service to be fully functional:

juju config smtp-integrator host=<smtp-server-host> port=<smtp-port>

juju integrate identity-platform-admin-ui:smtp smtp-integrator:smtp


The identity-platform-admin-ui charmed operator offers the following Juju actions.


The create-identity action initiates the user invitation flow.

juju run identity-platform-admin-ui/0 create-identity schema=<identity-schema-id><email> password=<password>


Security issues can be reported through LaunchPad. Please do not file GitHub issues about security issues.


Please see the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and for developer guidance.


The Identity Platform Admin UI Charmed Operator is a free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.