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feat: [DPE-5768] - Add CI release workflow for Snap Store (#5) #10

feat: [DPE-5768] - Add CI release workflow for Snap Store (#5)

feat: [DPE-5768] - Add CI release workflow for Snap Store (#5) #10

# Sync GitHub issues to Jira issues
# Configuration syntax:
# Repository specific settings
components: # Jira components that will be added to Jira issue
- etcd-vm
# Settings shared across Data Platform repositories
# If the GitHub issue does not have a label in this mapping, the Jira issue will be created as a Bug
enhancement: Story
jira_project_key: DPE #
opened: untriaged
closed: done # GitHub issue closed as completed
not_planned: rejected # GitHub issue closed as not planned
add_gh_comment: true
sync_description: false
sync_comments: false