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Bind module for Puppet

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Manages bind configuration under Debian / Ubuntu and CentOS.

This module is provided by Camptocamp


  • bind


This class must be declared before using the definitions in this module.


  • bind::a
  • bind::acl
  • bind::generate
  • bind::mx
  • bind::record
  • bind::zone


Creates an A record (or a series thereof).

bind::a { 'Hosts in':
  ensure    => 'present',
  zone      => '',
  ptr       => false,
  hash_data => {
    'host1' => { owner => '', },
    'host2' => { owner => '', },
$ensure = present

Ensure the A record is present.


Zone name.


Zone data.

$ptr = true

Pointer records (PTR) are used to map a network interface to a host name. Primarily used for reverse DNS.

$zone_arpa = undef

Needed if $ptr is true. For reverse DNS you will have to setup your reverse DNS domain. This is a special domain that ends with

$content = undef

Zone content;

$content_template = undef

Zone content template.


Creates an ACL bloc

bind::acl {'my acl':
  ensure => present,
  acls   => [

$ensure = present

Ensure the ACL is present (or absent if set to "absent")

acls = []

List of ACL directive


Creates a $GENERATE directive for a specific zone

bind::generate {'a-records':
  zone        => 'test.tld',
  range       => '2-100',
  record_type => 'A',
  lhs         => 'dhcp-$', # creates dhcp-2.test.tld, dhcp-3.test.tld …
  rhs         => '10.10.0.$', # creates IP, …
$ensure = present

Ensure the generate is present.


Zone name. Must reflect a bind::zone resource.


Range allocated to internal generate directive. Must be in the form 'first-last'.


Record type. Must be one of PTR, CNAME, DNAME, A, AAAA and NS.


Generated name.


Record target.

$record_class = undef

Record class. Not compatible with pre-9.3 bind versions.

$ttl = undef

Time to live for generated records.


Creates an MX record.

bind::mx {'mx1':
  zone     => '',
  owner    => '@',
  priority => 1,
  host     => '',
$ensure = present

Ensure the MX record is present.


Zone name.


Target of the resource record.


MX record priority.

$owner = undef

Owner of the resource record.

$ttl = undef

Time to live for the resource record.


Creates a generic record (or a series thereof).

bind::record {'CNAME':
  zone        => '',
  record_type => 'CNAME',
  hash_data   => {
    'ldap'      => { owner => 'ldap.internal', },
    'voip'      => { owner => 'voip.internal', },
$ensure = present

Ensure the record is present.


Zone name.


Hash containing data.


Resource record type.

$content = undef

Record content.

$content_template = undef

Allows you to do your own template, letting you use your own hash_data content structure.

$ptr_zone = undef

PTR zone.


Creates a zone.

bind::zone {'test.tld':
  zone_contact => 'contact.test.tld',
  zone_ns      => ['ns0.test.tld'],
  zone_serial  => '2012112901',
  zone_ttl     => '604800',
  zone_origin  => 'test.tld',
$ensure = present

Ensure the zone is present.

$is_dynamic = false

Boolean to set if a zone is dynamic.

$allow_update = []

List of hosts that are allowed to submit dynamic updates for master zones.

$transfer_source = undef

Source IP to bind to when requesting a transfer (slave only).

$zone_type = master

Specify if the zone is master/slave/forward.

$zone_ttl = undef

Time to live for your zonefile (master only).

$zone_contact = undef

Valid contact record (master only).

$zone_serial = undef

Zone serial (master only).

$zone_refresh = 3h

Time between each slave refresh (master only).

$zone_retry = 1h

Time between each slave retry (master only).

$zone_expirancy = 1w

Slave expiracy time (master only).

$zone_ns = []

Valid NS for this zone (master only).

$zone_xfers = undef

Valid xfers for zone (master only).

$zone_masters = undef

Valid master for this zone (slave only).

$zone_forwarders = undef

Valid forwarders for this zone (forward only).

$zone_origin = undef

The origin of the zone.

$zone_notify = undef

IPs to use for also-notify entry.

$if_slave = false

Boolean to set if a zone is slave.


Creates a key for dynamic zones. The 'secret' value is the key generated by dnssec-keygen.

bind::key { 'key_dyn.test.tld':
    ensure => present,
    secret => 'xUjDQqpBHao/o7mR2dza2/Tv2DQVo9pEuMfMwhdfzeaEFZAvwA='

bind::zone {'dyn.test.tld':
  zone_contact => 'contact.test.tld',
  zone_ns      => ['ns0.test.tld'],
  zone_serial  => '2012112901',
  zone_ttl     => '604800',
  zone_origin  => 'dyn.test.tld',
  is_dynamic   => true,
  allow_update => ['key_dyn.test.tld']
$ensure = present

Ensure the key is present.


Key content.

$algorithm = hmac-md5

Key algorithm.

Simple Example

bind::zone {'':
  ensure       => 'present',
  zone_contact => '',
  zone_ns      => [''],
  zone_serial  => '2012112901',
  zone_ttl     => '604800',
  zone_origin  => '',

bind::a { '':
  ensure    => 'present',
  zone      => '',
  ptr       => false,
  hash_data => {
    'host1' => { owner => '', },
    'host2' => { owner => '', },


Please report bugs and feature request using GitHub issue tracker.

For pull requests, it is very much appreciated to check your Puppet manifest with puppet-lint to follow the recommended Puppet style guidelines from the Puppet Labs style guide.


Copyright (c) 2013 mailto:[email protected] All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.