Forward / back swiping, smooth CSS3 transitions and even iOS 7 style parallax for your iOS web app and responsive website.
Demo: Add to your Home screen.
- (not the one for scrolling)
- (see Fonts section below)
Before anything else, you need the meta tag.
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
Now we can start.
- The first ingredient is Modernizr with yepnope. If you already have it included then you're covered. You need
. Otherwise includelib/modernizr.custom.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/swipy/lib/modernizr.custom.js"></script>
- Include Swipy.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/swipy/swipy.min.js"></script>
- Swipe away
master: 'html',
page: 'body',
path: {
swipylib: '/scripts/swipy/lib'
showtouches: true,
forceshowtouches: true,
debug: true
Swipy.defaults = {
master: 'html',
page: 'body',
path: {
swipylib: '/scripts/swipy/lib',
css: true, // or ex.: '/scripts/swipy/lib/swipy.css',
fastclick: true,
hammer: true,
showtouches: true,
transit: true,
waypoints: true,
appcache: '/appcache.manifest'
animate: true, // page animations on internal clicks
animate_onload: true, // page animations on load
speed: 200, // speed of animations
scale: 0.85, // scale of page during dragging
drag_timeout: 3000, // in ms, cancels page switch if drag is more than that
drag_distance: 0.5, // drag at least half the width of master to trigger page switch
drag_min_distance: 20, // in px, Hammer.js option to trigger drag
drag_min_deltaTime: 20, // in ms, cancels page switch if drag is less than that
edge_buffer: 10, // in px, drag doesn't kick in before drag_min_distance of the edge so we need a "grab" buffer (could be drag_min_distance * 2)
intercept: 'a', // web app mode only, we need all links and then exclude a lot
ignore: 'a[rel=external], a[rel=nofollow], a[href$=".pdf"], a[id^=fancybox]', // example exclude list, needs updating because of iOS 7
swipynav: true,
swiypynav_prependto: 'body',
showtouches: false, // desktop demo
forceshowtouches: false,
overflowHTML: false,
velocity: false, // experimental
velocity_trigger: 0.65,
webkitsticky: false, // experimental
appcache: false, // experimental
parallax: false, // experimental
parallax_distance: 150,
parallax_offset: 50, // in px, set this to how much overflow you have
parallax_smoothing: .1, // low pass filter, still funky, should be above 10 or something, not .1... timestamps?
parallax_throttle: 0, // in ms, replaced by filter
debug: false, // pardon this vichyssoise of verbiage that veers most verbose
debug_parallax: false
Swipy includes it's own CSS when launched, if you prefer loading it before or throwing it in your compressor go ahead. Just set options.path.css
to false
. You should also be able to style this as you like.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/scripts/swipy/lib/swipy.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/scripts/swipy/lib/fontello/css/swipy.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/scripts/swipy/lib/fontello/css/animation.css" />
Install Swipy in your
folder. Libraries module needed. -
Add this to your
module_load_include('inc', 'libraries', 'libraries');
$path = libraries_get_path('swipy');
$swipy = array(
$path . '/lib/modernizr.custom.js',
$path . '/lib/jquery.transit.js', // I recommend you load transit.js from here or directly in your theme
$path . '/swipy.js',
foreach ($swipy as $path) {
drupal_add_js($path, 'theme', 'header');
drupal_add_css($path . '/lib/swipy.css');
And a very important part if you don't already have something like this:
drupal_add_js(array('themePath' => path_to_theme()), 'setting');
- Load Swipy from your favorite
var swipy = Swipy.swipe({
master: 'html',
page: '#wrapper',
path: {
swipylib: Drupal.settings.basePath + '/sites/all/libraries/swipy/lib',
transit: false,
css: false
swipynav_prependto: 'body',
intercept: 'a',
ignore: '\
a[rel=nofollow]:not(".block-uc_cart a[rel=nofollow], .date-nav a[rel=nofollow], .calendar a[rel=nofollow]"),\
parallax: true
// debug: true,
// debug_parallax: true,
// showtouches: false,
// forceshowtouches: false,