Cake Build addin for [de]serializing and updating an Android AppManifest.
Add the following reference to your cake build script:
#addin "Cake.AndroidAppManifest"
// load
var manifest = DeserializeAppManifest(new FilePath("AndroidManifest.xml"));
// adjust as needed
manifest.MinSdkVersion = 24;
manifest.PackageName = "com.example.mycoolapp";
manifest.VersionName = "1.0";
manifest.VersionCode = 10;
manifest.ApplicationIcon = "@mipmap/ic_launcher";
manifest.ApplicationLabel = "Android Application";
manifest.Debuggable = false;
// save
SerializeAppManifest(new FilePath("AndroidManifest.xml"), manifest);
- Xamarin for open sourcing their build tools, the internals of this addin were pulled directly from Xamarin.Android.Build.Utilities.