SMTP Performance Test Tool
bomberman requires Go 1.11 or later.
$ go get
Flag | Desc |
host | Remote SMTP server with Port. Default: |
from | From email address |
to | To email address |
subject | Email subject text |
size | Set email size Kilobytes (1024 Kilobyte = 1Mbyte). Default: 5Kb |
helo | SMTP client helo name. Default: |
count | Email message count. Default: 10 |
workers | Thread workers for SMTP client. Default: 10 |
jobs | Job queue lenght in workers. Default: 10 |
outbound | Outbound IP address for SMTP client |
showerror | Print SMTP errors |
balance | Tool is use all IP address for outbound ip with sequental balance. Defalut: false |
- Set SPF value in from email address domain.
- Set PTR record your outbound IP addresses
- Increase ulimit on your server (ulimit -n 10000)
Send 50 email to 50 workers
./bomberman [email protected] [email protected] -workers=50 -jobs=50 -count=50 -size=75 -balance
Bomberman - SMTP Performance Test Tool
Message Count : 1022
Message Size : 75K
Error : 168
Start : 2018-10-12 06:42:56.808098931 +0300 EEST m=+0.000932257
End : 2018-10-12 06:43:34.049561955 +0300 EEST m=+37.242392313
Time : 37.241460056s
Source IP Stats: : 256 : 256 : 256 : 256
Destination IP Stats: : 856
SMTP Commands:
DATA (854) : min. 775.377638ms, max. 20.662139316s, med. 8.870254307s
DIAL (1022) : min. 27.323µs, max. 6.000565014s, med. 1.511920428s
HELO (854) : min. 34.061919ms, max. 3.80865823s, med. 343.306129ms
MAIL (854) : min. 42.455906ms, max. 6.150506182s, med. 943.313477ms
RCPT (854) : min. 34.972014ms, max. 3.151397545s, med. 497.683671ms
SUCCESS (854) : min. 1.480909163s, max. 37.223728269s, med. 15.673002296s
TOUCH (854) : min. 112.109537ms, max. 17.759899662s, med. 3.985871341s
- Linux/BSD/Windows supported.
- SMTP RFC 5321 support
- Outbount IP selection
- SMTP Command duration min, max, mean metrics
- Multi-thread support
- Workers and Job Queue support
- Balancing outbound ip address automatically
- Set email body size of Kilobyte
- Count and Report destination IP changes
- Count and Report source IP changes
- Oğuzhan - MaestroPanel Tech Lead - c1982
Cemil and Rıza and Osman ^_^