git clone git://
Where possible, Vim plugins are installed as git submodules. Check these out by running the commands:
cd dotfiles
git submodule init
git submodule update
Create symlinks:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/bashrc ~/.bashrc
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vim ~/.vim
I put Vim's backup and swap files in ~/tmp
, so that directory must exist. To
be sure, run:
mkdir ~/tmp
My preferences for Vim are stored in dotfiles/vimrc
and dotfiles/gvimrc
respectively. All plugins and scripts are stored in the dotfiles/vim
Plugins that are published on github can be installed as submodules. For example, to install the [JavaScript bundle][jsbun], follow these steps:
cd ~/dotfiles
git submodule add vim/bundle/vim-javascript
This will update the .gitmodules
file by appending something like:
[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-javascript"]
path = vim/bundle/vim-javascript
url =
As well as checkout out the git repo into the
directory. You can then commit these changes
as follows:
git add .
git ci -m "Added the javascript bundle"