volclava 1.0.0 is developed based on OpenLava 2.0 with following its license of GPL 2.0.
OpenLava is a free and open-source workload scheduler that's fully compatible with IBM LSF. It supports diverse high-performance computing and analytical applications. It came from an early version of LSF through open-sourcing. Its command-line and file formats are similar to most LSF functions, so both users and administrators can easily get the hang of operating it.
volclava fixes obvious flaws and adds necessary features, covering the basic functional needs of the EDA business. It's recommended for use in small-scale clusters (with less than 100 nodes) where scheduling performance requirements aren't too high.
Everyone is welcomed to feed back via git issue.
- CentOS 6/CentOS 7/CentOS 8
- Redhat/Rocky 8
- Ubuntu 20.04
The development and testing operating system for the volclava project 1.0.0 is CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core), which is also one of the commonly used operating system versions in IC design. CentOS 6, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, as well as their corresponding Red Hat and Rocky versions should all be able to run. The main potential risk lies in that differences in system library versions may affect the operation of some components.
The following uses the example of setting up a cluster that has three nodes(master-test,cmp1-test,cmp2-test). Please confirm that all hosts in the volclava cluster can access the top-level installation directory of volclava using the same path name. For the convenience of management, it is recommended to move the software to the shared storage path
- Download the code onto the master node
[user1@master-test install_pkg]# git clone https://github.com/bytedance/volclava.git
- Log on master node as root, and enter the source code package directory
[root@master-test test]# cd /install_pkg/volclava
- Run install script
[root@master-test volclava]# ./volcinstall.sh --type=code --profix=/software/volclava-1.0 --hosts="master-test cmp1-test cmp2-test"
make[1]: Leaving directory `/install_pkg/volclava'
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Congratulates, installation is done and enjoy the journey!
- Log on compute nodes and install
[root@cmp1-test ~]# sh /install_pkg/volclava/volcinstall.sh --type=server --env=/software/volclava-1.0
[root@cmp2-test ~]# sh /install_pkg/volclava/volcinstall.sh --type=server --env=/software/volclava-1.0
- The directory of installed volclava
- If only the /etc/hosts file is used as the source of DNS resolution, it is necessary to add the mapping relationship between the IP addresses and hostnames of the machines within the cluster to the /etc/hosts file on each host.
[root@master-test ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 master-test cmp1-test cmp2-test
- Edit the lsf.cluster.volclava file to configure hosts attributes if need, and then save and exit.
[root@master-test-test etc]# vim /software/volclava-1.0/etc/lsf.cluster.volclava
- Startup volclava cluster
[root@master-test ~]# yum install psmisc
[root@master-test ~]# service volclava restart
[root@cmp1-test ~]# yum install psmisc
[root@cmp1-test ~]# service volclava restart
[root@cmp2-test ~]# yum install psmisc
[root@cmp2-test ~]# service volclava restart
- Verify the volclava cluster
[root@master-test ~]# service volclava status ##check daemons status
lim pid: <5922>
res pid: <5924>
sbatchd pid: <5927>
lim mbatchd: <5940>
[root@master-test ~]# lsid ##check cluster status
volclava project 1.0.0, Nov 14 2024
My cluster name is volclava
My master name is master-test
[root@cmp2-test etc]# lshosts ##check cluster static resources
HOST_NAME type model cpuf ncpus maxmem maxswp server RESOURCES
master-test linux IntelI5 100.0 4 32012M 10239M Yes (cs)
cmp1-test linux IntelI5 100.0 4 31993M 10239M Yes (cs)
cmp2-test linux IntelI5 100.0 4 31993M 10239M Yes (cs)
[root@cmp2-test etc]# lsload ##check cluster load
HOST_NAME status r15s r1m r15m ut pg ls it tmp swp mem
master-test ok 0.0 0.0 0.1 0% 0.0 1 0 3321M 10G 28G
cmp1-test ok 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 0.0 1 6 20G 10G 29G
cmp2-test ok 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 0.0 1 24 45G 10G 30G
[root@cmp2-test etc]# bhosts ##check workload on hosts
cmp1-test ok - 4 0 0 0 0 0
cmp2-test ok - 4 0 0 0 0 0
master-test ok - 4 0 0 0 0 0
- Submit jobs to verify that the cluster is operating normally
[root@master-test ~]# su - volclava
[volclava@master-test ~]$ bsub sleep 100
Job <1> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
[volclava@master-test ~]$ bjobs
1 volclav PEND normal master-test sleep 100 Nov 27 15:03
Please refer to Installation guide for more details on installation methods and configuration
The following article offers plentiful user and administrator operation guides, which can assist you in understanding and using the functions of volclava better.
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