The Conflagrant graphics engine (OpenGL 4.0+).
- Entity-Component-System based implementation
- Custom JSON-based scene format
- GUI using Dear ImGui
- Texture mapping for materials
- Diffuse maps
- Specular maps
- Normal maps
- Shadow mapping for multiple directional lights
- Frustum culling with bounding spheres
- Voxel Cone Tracing
- Indirect diffuse/specular lighting
- Voxel-based Ambient Occlusion
Depending on your GPU you first need to run one of these commands:
pacaur -S cuda
- Intel -
pacaur -S intel-opencl-sdk
- AMD -
pacaur -S amdapp-sdk
pacaur -S ocl-icd opencl-headers glew glm jsoncpp assimp
git clone --recursive -j8
cd conflagrant
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Does not work at the moment, but the following should be a good start
brew install glm jsoncpp assimp
git clone --recursive -j8
cd conflagrant
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
Does not work at the moment, but the following should be a good start
Install these libraries (preferred way is to build from source). Add their base directories to the Path env. variable.
Using Git for Windows (or similar), run the following:
git clone --recursive -j8
Next step is to build using CMake using one of the alternatives below:
- Use CLion as IDE (my preferred solution)
- Use
to create a project solution (Code::Blocks, Visual Studio, Unix Makefiles etc.)
cd conflagrant/build/examples
- V: Toggle VCT pipeline
- 0: Toggle direct rendering
- 1: Toggle direct lighting
- 2: Toggle indirect diffuse lighting
- 3: Toggle indirect specular lighting
- Left Shift + F: Toggle first-person camera controls
- A: Start all animations
- B: Stop all animations