This is my home page to be shown on the Kindle as a Frame.
There is a Vercel API function that generates the PNG ready to be shown on the Kindle device.
See related projects:
- Kindle code:
- Kindle fetch-file binary:
- Install
npm install
- Run dev mode
npm start
- Deploy to your app
npm run deploy
The image is upside-down because my Kindle is upside-down in the picture frame.
actor kindle as Kindle
participant screenshot as /api/screenshot
participant playwright
participant page as /api/page
participant airly as /api/airly
participant calendar as
participant quote as Random quote
kindle ->>+ screenshot: fetch
screenshot ->>+ page: request to warm-up cache
screenshot ->>+ playwright: run the browser
page ->> airly: fetch airly
airly -->> page: current weather
page ->> calendar: fetch upcoming events
calendar -->> page: schedule for upcoming days
page ->> quote: fetch random quote
quote -->> page: random quote
page -->>- screenshot: Response is discarded but stored<br>in the edge cache
screenshot ->> playwright: instruct to<br>open the page
playwright ->>+ page: request again
page -->>- playwright: cached HTML
playwright -->> playwright: Wait 500ms for<br>fonts, weather image
playwright -->>- screenshot: PNG image
screenshot ->> screenshot: Prepare image for Kindle<br>(grayscale, no alpha)
screenshot -->>- kindle: dashboard image<br>(+ next-refresh time)