A web application that assist patients with reviewing objective patient saftey indicators from hosptials and subjective doctor reviews together to make an informed recommendation and decision about their future care.
- Python
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- Postgesql
- Jinja2
- Bootstrap
- Flexbox
- BeautifulSoup 4
- Google OAuth 2.0
- Socrata API
- Twilio API
- Write tests!
- Expand doctor search search (search is )
- Autocomplete doctor search textbox
- Use of machine learning to recommend doctors based on user's preference
- Additional of more doctor review sites
- Allow for use to review more than 10 reviews (currently limited to saving 10 in the database.)
Patient Prime requires Flask to run.
For test environments... Obtain appropriate API keys for the following APIs/client:
- Google OAuth client
- Twilio
- Socrata (only needed if large number of requests per day)
Create a secrets.sh file to hold key or use your preferred method.
Install the dependencies, run load the database files, and start server.
$ cd patientprime
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ source secret.sh
$ python3 database/seed_reviews_and_doctors.py
$ python3 server.py