So.. some people might think it's easier to extend just the 10 row method you're patching instead of copying the whole 1000+ row file over to your local namespace and whatever else bullshit you're forced to endure if you do not follow the OneTrueParadigm IoC.
So for real world people, with real world problems - you are welcome!
example conf (root level of any composer.json file, root or vendor):
"extra": {
"composer-extend-class": {
"Namespace\\For\\Buggyclass": "App\\Patches\\Buggyclass"
The new class saved under "namespace" App\Patches
called Buggyclass
namespace Namespace\For; // using same namespace as old class
class Buggyclass extends Buggyclass_Old // name to extend == name + _Old
public function brokenFunction($payload)
return $payload * 100;
Simple as that. Old class file will be copied and source altered for it to have the new unique class name of "Class_Old" but same old namespace.
Not quality checked code, no tests, no warranty. Copyleft KludgeWorks LLC.