sudo apt-get install curl git
sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- -b /usr/bin/
chezmoi init --apply brycekellogg
sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- -b /usr/bin/
chezmoi init --apply brycekellogg
The macOS setup requires Homebrew & Git to be installed prior to using Chezmoi. We install Git initially using the "XCode Command Line Tools"; from there Homebrew & Chezmoi can be installed and the dotfiles initialized.
xcode-select --install
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install chezmoi
chezmoi init --apply brycekellogg
chezmoi edit --apply $FILE
chezmoi re-add
chezmoi diff
chezmoi chattr +template $FILE # make an existing file a template
- Alt← - Select pane to the left of current
- Alt→ - Select pane to the right of current
- Alt↑ - Select pane above current
- Alt↓ - Select pane below current
- AltPgUp - Select window (tab) to the left of current
- AltPgDn - Select window (tab) to the right of current
- Alt+ - Create a new window (tab) to the right of current
- Altr - Rename current window (tab)
- Altz - Toggle zoom for current pane
- AltShift← - Swap pane to the left
- AltShift→ - Swap pane to the right
- AltShift↑ - Swap pane up
- AltShift↓ - Swap pane down
- Alt| - Split pane vertically
- Alt- - Split pane horizontally
- AltSpace - Enter select mode
- v (in select mode) - Start visual selection
- Esc (in select mode) - Exit select mode
- y (in select mode) - Copy
- Altv - Paste
echo "$USER ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/nopasswd