This is the Unity files for my game 🕹️The Border🕹️. I made this game alone, without anybody to accompany me 😢. So the main purpose of this repo is for backup and version control. Once I know I can revert any changes easily, I'll be able to start taking action instead of planning meticulously for hours 🕒.
Most of the game files that I made (and from third parties) are in the 📁Assets📁 folder. This includes:
- 💻 C# scripts 💻 I made all the scripts, with minimal amount of copy and paste (I swear I'm honest 👀).
- 🖼️ Textures 🖼️ Most pixel arts are from Zrghr, accompanied by some of my ✨ masterpiece ✨.
- 🎶 Music and SFX 🎶 With my deep understanding of music theory, I chose JimHall's and Dustyroom's score.
- 🧰 Premade Objects 🧰
- 💼 and other files 💼 with some old files that I don't want to destroy 😅.
For now, I don't have any plan to continue making games, unless somebody wants to collaborate with me. Or even better, maybe you have a project and you need somebody to help or just to accompany your journey. Feel free to reach me and maybe you finally find your missing piece 😉.