is a Swift library that can be used to create and run interactive stories and narrative games.
With Narratore
you can create stories using a DSL that allows to focus on the narration, with very few lines of code. In Narratore
a story is a Swift Package.
The library also makes it easy to run a story, with a callback-based handler.
Here's an example of a minimal definition for a game with Narratore
import Foundation
import Narratore
// ------ Define a game setting ------ //
enum MyGame: Setting {
enum Generate: Generating {
static func randomRatio() -> Double {
static func uniqueString() -> String {
struct Message: Messaging {
var id: String?
var text: String
struct Tag: Tagging {
var value: String
init(_ value: String) {
self.value = value
struct World: Codable {
var isEnjoyable = true
// ------ Write a story ------ //
extension SceneType {
typealias Game = MyGame
extension MyGame: Story {
static let scenes: [RawScene<MyGame>] = [
struct MyFirstScene: SceneType {
typealias Anchor = String
var steps: Steps {
"This is your new game, built with narratore".with(tags: [.init("Let's play some sound effect!")])
DO.check {
.inCase($ {
.tell { "Enjoy!" }
"Now choose".with(anchor: "We could jump right here from anywhere")
DO.choose { _ in
"Go to second scene, main path".onSelect {
.tell {
"Let's go to the second scene!"
.with(id: "We can keep track of this message")
} then: {
.transitionTo(MySecondScene_Main(magicNumber: 42))
"Go to second scene, alternate path".onSelect {
.tell {
"Going to the alternate path of the second scene"
} then: {
struct MySecondScene_Main: SceneType {
var magicNumber: Int
var steps: [SceneStep<Self>] {
"Welcome to the second scene"
if magicNumber == 42 {
"The magic number is \(magicNumber)"
} else {
"The magic number doesn't look right..."
"Hope you'll find this useful!"
struct MySecondScene_Other: SceneType {
var steps: [SceneStep<Self>] {
"I see you chose the alternate path"
"Bad luck!"
// ------ Run the game ------ //
final class MyHandler: Handler {
typealias Game = MyGame
func handle(event: Event<MyGame>) {
if case .gameEnded = event {
print("Thanks for playing!")
func acknowledge(narration: Narration<MyGame>) async -> Next<MyGame, Void> {
for message in narration.messages {
_ = readLine()
return .advance
func make(choice: Choice<MyGame>) async -> Next<MyGame, Option<MyGame>> {
for (index, option) in choice.options.enumerated() {
print(index, option.message)
while true {
let captured = readLine(),
let selected = Int(captured),
else {
print("Invalid input")
return .advance(with: choice.options[selected])
func answer(request: Player<MyGame>.TextRequest) async -> Next<MyGame, Player<MyGame>.ValidatedText> {
if let message = request.message {
guard let text = readLine() else {
return .replay
switch request.validate(text) {
case .valid(let validatedText):
return .advance(with: validatedText)
case .invalid(let optionalMessage):
if let optionalMessage {
return .replay
enum Main {
static func main() async {
await Runner<MyGame>(
handler: MyHandler(),
status: .init(
world: .init(),
scene: MyFirstScene()
To learn about the detail of each main component of Narratore
, check the following docs:
is designed to be modular and extensible. In fact, each main component can be defined and implemented in a separate Swift package. For example:
- a specific game setting could be defined in a library;
- several stories could be created for a certain game setting;
- a game handler for that setting could be created for each platform (command line, iOS, macOS, Linux...);
- the final game would mix the game handler with one or more stories.
To learn how to extend Narratore
and define modular components, check out Extending Narratore.
The linked docs progressively build a basic game setting, a short story, a simple command-line runner, and some extension, each of which can be found in a companion package called SimpleGame, whose purpose is to show the basics of Narratore
in practice via the construction of an actual story that can be run from the command line.
The main purpose of the companion package is to document the features of Narratore
; nevertheless, most of its code is generic and reusable, and can be used to create games: please refer to the companion package README to learn how to use it in your projects.
Thanks for checking out Narratore
, I hope you'll have fun with it!
requires iOS 13
and macOS 10.15
, and has no third-party dependencies.
is heavily inspired by Ink, and its initial purpose was to be a similar story creation engine, but with the possibility of defining stories in Swift, instead of using a markup language. Nevertheless, the Ink specification was a strong inspiration for the features of Narratore