Utility to write portage configs files in an easy manner.
git clone https://github.com/brookiestein/portagecfg
cd portagecfg
mkdir build
cmake -G Ninja -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --build build --target install
It'll be installed in /usr/bin
It's as simple as typing: portagecfg -p sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -u symlink
That will write sys-kernel/gentoo-sources symlink
into /etc/portage/package.use/gentoo-sources
You can write several USE flags using either of these notations:
portagecfg -p app-emulation/qemu --useflags="usbredir alsa bzip2"
portagecfg -p app-emulation/qemu -u usbredir\ alsa\ bzip2
Both are valid ways of passing several values to any of the available options.
You can also combine differents options for the same package, for example:
portagecfg -p app-emulation/qemu --useflags="usbredir alsa bzip2" -k "~amd64"
That'll write app-emulation/qemu usbredir alsa bzip2
into /etc/portage/package.use/qemu
, and
app-emulation/qemu ~amd64
into /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/qemu