Supports handling the case where a logged in user attempts to login using a different service.
This package is part of the brettle:accounts-*
suite of packages. See
for an overview of the suite and a live demo.
Allows you to register a set of callbacks to run when a logged in user attempts to login using a different service.
Works with any login service (accounts-password, acccounts-google, etc.)
Works with
and other similar packages.
meteor add brettle:accounts-multiple
/* Register callbacks for handling when a logged in user
attempts to login using a different service. */
validateSwitch: validateSwitchCallback, /* default: function () { return true; } */
onSwitch: onSwitchCallback, /* default: function() {} */
onSwitchFailure: onSwitchFailureCallback /* default: function () {} */
/* Works just like Accounts.validateLoginAttempt() except that the attempting
/* user is available. */
function validateSwitchCallback(attemptingUser, attempt) {
if (/*attemptingUser may switch to attempt.user */) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error('your-reason-code', 'Human readable reason');
/* or return false; */
/* Works just like Accounts.onLogin() callback except it's strictly called when
/* a logged in user logs in using a different service, and it provides the
/* original logged in user (attemptingUser). */
function onSwitchCallback(attemptingUser, attempt) {
/* Maybe cleanup the original user, or merge the two users. */
/* Works just like Accounts.onLoginFailure() callback except it's strictly
/* called when a logged in user fails when logging in using a different service,
/* and it provides the attempting user. */
function onSwitchFailureCallback(attemptingUser, attempt) {
if (attempt.error.error !== 'your-reason-code')
/* Maybe merge the two users. */