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Mirur Eclipse Plugin

Mirur is an Eclipse plugin ( to visualize your arrays the way they were meant to be. No more using Arrays.toString()! The existing visual debugger in Eclipse does a .toString() on any object you select in the Variables view. For large arrays, this might mean hanging your JVM. Besides the fact that looking at a long list of values is generally useless to understand what's happening.

Mirur can plot numerical arrays of any size. View 1-dimensional arrays using a line graph or a bar chart. View 2-dimensional data using a heatmap. Or even just view a histogram of all values in the array.

You can view anything that can be interpreted as a collection of numbers, including List<Number> or AtomicLong[].


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The gh-pages branch contains the website and the update-site folder for releases. Both the development branch (e.g. master) and gh-pages need to be checked out alongside each other build. The build assumes gh-pages is checked out in a folder called mirur-update-site at the same level as the main code. For example, mirur and mirur-update-site are sibling folders.

cd mirur
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X-SNAPSHOT && mvn tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=X.qualifier
git commit -a -m "Version to X" && git tag X
mvn clean install

Now the new build is in ../mirur-update-site/update-site/

cd ../mirur-update-site/update-site/
unzip content.jar && unzip artifacts.jar
# Note this does not work on recent versions of the jarprocessor as of 2023
java -jar ../eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.jarprocessor_1.*.jar \
  -processAll -pack -verbose -outputDir plugins plugins/mirur.mirur-ui_*


You can run mirur.mirur-ui as an Eclipse application to test. However, you must add the following JVM arguments to your debug configuration:

--add-exports java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-exports java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-exports java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED


Mirur Eclipse Plugin







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