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Welcome to SK Playground!

This project leverages the power of the Microsoft Semantic Kernel to interact with the OpenAI API.

Companion Article Series

This repository serves as a companion to a series of articles discussing the integration and utilization of Semantic Kernel. These articles provide deeper insights into the concepts and functionalities demonstrated in this repository.

Project Structure

├── SkPlayground.csproj
├── SkPlayground.sln
├── appsettings.plugins.json
├── config
│   └── appsettings.json.example
├── desc
│   ├── action_planner
│   │   ├── create_html_doc.txt
│   │   ├── download_document.txt
│   │   └── find_url.txt
│   ├── dotnet_project.txt
│   ├── keycloak_helm_chart.txt
│   ├── keycloak_prod_with_mysql.txt
│   ├── postgresl_helm_chart.txt
│   ├── sequential_planner
│   │   ├── extract_js.txt
│   │   ├── generate_secret_plan.txt
│   │   └── keycloak_plan.txt
│   └── typescript_nestjs_project.txt
├── notebooks
│   ├── demo1.ipynb
│   ├── demo1_v1.0.0-beta1.ipynb
│   └── demo_rag.ipynb
├── scripts
│   └──
├── plugins
│   ├── Assistant
│   ├── DevOps
│   ├── Engineering
│   ├── Html
│   ├── Http
│   ├── KeyAndCertGenerator
│   ├── SecretYamlGenerator
│   ├── SecretYamlUpdater
│   └── TextMemoryEx
├── webserver
│   ├── assets
│   ├── binders
│   ├── config
│   ├── controllers
│   ├── dtos
│   ├── formatters
│   ├── middleware
│   └── responses

Core Features

SkPlayground is built on C# and .NET 7, using Semantic Kernel from Microsoft. It is equipped with several plugins:

Assistant Plugin

  • Chat: A chat functionality capable of interfacing with memory sourced externally from vector or SQL databases.

DevOps Plugin

  • Kubernetes: Generates YAML files based on user descriptions to complete specific tasks.
  • Helm: Creates Helm v3 Charts as per user specifications.

Engineering Plugin

  • TypeScript: Generates a with a detailed description and source codes for building NodeJS projects based on TypeScript.
  • CSharp: Generates a with a detailed description and source codes for building .NET projects based on C#.

Html Plugin

  • CreateHtmlDoc: Generate a HTML file
  • ExtractJS: Extract embedded JavaScript from a HTML document.

Http Plugin

  • ExecuteGetAsync: Execute a GET request.
  • ExecutePostAsync: Execute a POST request.
  • ExecutePutAsync: Execute a PUT request.

KeyAndCertGenerator Plugin

  • GenerateBase64KeyAndCert: Create a base64-encoded private key and certificate.
  • Extract: Extract key or certificate from a base64-encoded string.

SecretYamlGenerator Plugin

  • CreateSecretYaml: Create a Kubernetes Secret YAML file.

SecretYamlUpdater Plugin

  • UpdateKubernetesSecretYamlString: Update the data section of a Kubernetes Secret YAML.

TextMemoryEx Plugin (based on TextMemoryPlugin from SK)

  • SaveAsync: accepts two additional arguments: description and additionalMetadata.

Usage Examples

The program can be executed via the command line using the dotnet run command, along with specifying three arguments: -i (or --input) for the input file, -f (or --function) for the plugin function to be executed, and -m (or --method) to select one of the available program methods listed below. The input file should contain a description of the task, and the function argument should specify which function to run. When no method is selected with the -m flag, the RunDefault method will be used. The launch.json of the VSCode is already set up and contains various examples that showcase the usage of all possible methods.


Method Description Arguments
RunWebServer Initiates a web server to host a Crypto Assistant Plugin API. None
RunWithActionPlanner Processes the given prompt using an action planner. FileInfo file
RunWithSequentialPlanner Processes the given prompt using a sequential planner. FileInfo file
RunWithHooks Showcases pre- and post-execution hooks. None
RunWithHooks2 Showcases pre- and post-execution hooks, with a different hook configuration. None
RunWithRag Showcases Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) None

When using Planners, there's no need to manually set the function.

Here are some examples:

Generating C# Project README

This command reads the description from the dotnet_project.txt file and executes the CSharp function to generate a README for a C# project:

dotnet run -- -i ./desc/dotnet_project.txt -f CSharp

Generating TypeScript Project README

Assuming there's a typescript_project.txt file with the appropriate description, you can generate a README for a TypeScript project as follows:

dotnet run -- -i ./desc/typescript_project.txt -f TypeScript

Generating Kubernetes YAML

If you have a description for a Kubernetes setup in a file called kubernetes_desc.txt, you can generate the necessary YAML files using the following command:

dotnet run -- -i ./desc/kubernetes_desc.txt -f Kubernetes

Generating Helm Charts for Keycloak Deployment

Given a description in a file named keycloak_helm_desc.txt, you can generate Helm v3 Charts for a Keycloak deployment like this:

dotnet run -- -i ./desc/keycloak_helm_desc.txt -f Helm

Plugin Configuration

Ensure that the necessary plugins are correctly placed under the "plugins" directory and that the descriptions in the input files are well-formatted to get the desired outputs.

Input Files

Input files are housed in the desc folder and contain descriptions provided by the user. Here are a few examples:

Hashing Application in C#

Create an application that takes a string, hashes it with SHA256, and then returns that hash back to the user.

Deploy a Keycloak Helm Chart

Deploy latest available version of Keycloak (quarkus-based variant) that meets the following criteria:
- uses an external PostgreSQL instance created by another Helm Chart
- runs in production mode
- uses self-signed certificates
- creates a realm named "test-realm"

Deploy Keycloak in Prod Mode to Kubernetes

Deploy keycloak (quarkus variant) that uses mysql as its backend.
Keycloak runs in prod mode and is TLS secured with a self-signed certificate.
Use images from bitnami.

Function and Plugin Organization

The functions within Semantic Kernel are organized into subfolders under the plugins folder, and are identified as either semantic or native functions. A plugin encapsulates one or more functions. Semantic functions are accompanied by a config.json and skprompt.txt file, situated within their respective subfolders for configuration and prompt setup. The config.json file elucidates the function's input parameters and descriptive information essential for the AI service, while skprompt.txt contains the prompt setup. Conversely, native functions, written in C#, have their configurations defined directly within the C# code, and do not require separate config.json and skprompt.txt files. These configurations are achieved using annotations in the code which allows the kernel to comprehend the behavior of the function, and are typically defined as public methods of a class representing the plugin in a file named after the plugin (e.g., HttpPlugin.cs) within the same plugin directory. Both semantic and native functions can reside within the same plugin directory and are loaded into the same plugin namespace by the kernel, provided their names are unique within the namespace.

Configuration via appsettings.plugins.json

The program's behavior can be tailored using the appsettings.plugins.json configuration file. This file is read at the start of the application, allowing you to specify the location of the plugins folder as well as the available plugins.

Here's an example configuration:

  "PluginSettings": {
    "Root": "plugins",
    "Plugins": [

In this configuration:

  • Root: Specifies the location of the plugins folder relative to the project's root directory. By default, it's set to "plugins", but you can change it to reference a different folder.

  • Plugins: Specifies the available plugins, which are expected to be found within subdirectories of the specified plugins folder.

This setup allows a flexible structure, enabling you to organize your functions and plugins as per your project's requirements. You can change the Root and Plugins settings in the appsettings.plugins.json file to point to different directories or to include different sets of plugins, without needing to modify the program's source code.

Configuration via appsettings.json

Additionally, there's a configuration file named appsettings.json.example located in the config directory. This file is essential for the correct operation of the application, as it contains configurations for the GPT model, service type, and your API key, among other settings.

Here's an example configuration:

  "endpointType": "text-completion",
  "serviceType": "OpenAI",
  "serviceId": "text-davinci-003",
  "deploymentOrModelId": "text-davinci-003",
  "apiKey": "... your OpenAI key ...",
  "orgId": ""

Before running the program, you'll need to:

  1. Rename appsettings.json.example to appsettings.json.
  2. Populate the appsettings.json file with the correct data:
    • endpointType: Specifies the endpoint type for the GPT model.
    • serviceType: Specifies the service type, in this case, OpenAI.
    • serviceId and deploymentOrModelId: Specify the ID of the GPT model.
    • apiKey: Your OpenAI API key.
    • orgId: (Optional) Your organization ID if applicable.

Once these steps are completed, the program will be able to read the appsettings.json file and use the specified configurations to interact with the OpenAI GPT model.

Alternatively, instead of placing sensitive information like the API key in the appsettings.json file, you can use the dotnet user-secrets tool to configure these values securely. This way, the API key and other sensitive data won't be exposed in the appsettings.json file. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Initialize user secrets for your project:

    dotnet user-secrets init
  2. Set the required secrets:

    dotnet user-secrets set "apiKey" "... your OpenAI key ..."

Repeat the above command for each configuration setting you'd like to store as a user secret, replacing "apiKey" with the configuration key, and "... your OpenAI key ..." with the value.

Once these steps are completed, the program will be able to read the configuration values from the user secrets and use the specified configurations to interact with the OpenAI GPT model without exposing sensitive data in the appsettings.json file.

Jupyter Notebook Environment

This project incorporates a Jupyter Notebook environment, allowing for an interactive and dynamic approach to executing and testing code snippets in a live, document-based setting. The notebooks directory houses all the Jupyter notebooks related to this project.

Getting Started with Jupyter Notebooks

  1. Installing Jupyter Notebook Environment

    • Ensure you have .NET Interactive installed. Run the following command:
      dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.dotnet-interactive
    • Install the .NET kernels for Jupyter:
      dotnet interactive jupyter install
    • Change the current directory to the project root:
      cd path/to/SkPlayground
  2. Launching Jupyter Notebook

    • Launch Jupyter Notebook:
      jupyter notebook

    This will open the Jupyter Notebook interface in your web browser, where you can navigate to the notebooks directory and open the notebook of your choice.

Working with Libraries and Dependencies in C# Notebooks

In C# Jupyter Notebooks, you can load libraries and dependencies using the #r "nuget:..." directive. For instance, to load the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json library, use the following command:

#r "nuget:Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json,7.0.0"

Scripts Usage

Inside the scripts directory, you will find the script This script is designed to process the output generated by the DevOps plugin functions Helm and Kubernetes.

Helm Function Output Processing

When processing the output of the Helm function, the script helps in generating the Helm charts. It creates the required directories, YAML files, and other necessary items for a Helm chart. Once generated, these Helm charts can be applied using the Helm tool with the following command:

helm install [CHART] [NAME] --namespace [NAMESPACE]
  • [CHART]: Path to the directory containing the generated Helm chart.
  • [NAME]: A name you choose for this release of the chart.
  • [NAMESPACE]: The namespace in which to install the chart.

Kubernetes Function Output Processing

On the other hand, when processing the output of the Kubernetes function, the script creates all the necessary YAML files for Kubernetes resources. Once the YAML files are generated, they can be applied to your Kubernetes cluster using the kubectl command like so:

kubectl apply -f [FILENAME]
  • [FILENAME]: The path to the generated YAML file or directory containing the YAML files.

Practice: Generating a Helm Chart

This project facilitates the creation of Helm charts through a straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of generating a Helm chart using the Helm function of the DevOps plugin:

  1. Executing the Plugin Function

    Begin by running the desired plugin function using dotnet run. In this example, we're using the Helm function of the DevOps plugin to process a description file (keycloak_helm_chart.txt). The OpenAI completion result is redirected to a text file (output.txt).

    dotnet run -- -i ./desc/keycloak_helm_chart.txt -f Helm > output.txt
  2. Parsing the Output

    Utilize the provided bash script ( to process the output file, generating the necessary files and directory structure for the Helm chart.

    ./scripts/ -f output.txt -o keycloak 
  3. Exploring the Generated Chart

    Navigate to the generated chart directory and utilize the tree command to visualize the created files and directories. The Helm chart is now ready for use and is structured as per Helm's standard directory structure.

    cd keycloak
    tree -L 2 
    # Output:
    └── keycloak
        ├──  Chart.yaml
        ├──  templates
        └──  values.yaml

This workflow streamlines the process of transforming human-readable descriptions into deployable Helm charts, showcasing the power and efficiency of automating DevOps tasks through the Semantic Kernel and OpenAI's capabilities integrated within this project.

Additionally, this workflow is equally applicable when utilizing the Kubernetes function of the DevOps plugin. The parsing script ( is designed to handle both Helm charts and pure Kubernetes YAML outputs seamlessly. When invoked with completions from the Kubernetes function, the script generates one or more Kubernetes YAML files instead, following the same directory structuring convention, making it a versatile tool for your DevOps automation tasks.


TextMemoryEx Plugin

In the original Semantic Kernel project, the TextMemoryPlugin provided a method named SaveAsync to persist information into the database. However, it only allowed for saving a singular input argument, leaving the description and additionalMetadata fields in the database unfilled. In order to address this limitation, a new implementation named TextMemoryExPlugin has been introduced. This extended version enhances the SaveAsync method to accommodate and persist the two additional arguments: description and additionalMetadata. Here's a comparison of the old and new JSON database entries illustrating the improvement:

Old JSON database entry:

  "is_reference": false,
  "external_source_name": "",
  "id": "6295c180-edc5-453e-93f6-7919924868ba",
  "description": "",
  "text": "I was born in Berlin.",
  "additional_metadata": ""

New JSON database entry:

  "is_reference": false,
  "external_source_name": "",
  "id": "8820aa60-1b2d-411a-8476-85eac498f132",
  "description": "Collections",
  "text": "I have a collection of vintage stamps.",
  "additional_metadata": "Item: Stamps"

Below is the enhanced implementation of the SaveAsync method within the TextMemoryExPlugin class:

[Description("Save information to semantic memory")]
public async Task SaveAsync(
  [Description("The information to save")] string input,
  [Description("Description")][DefaultValue(null)] string description,
  [Description("Additional Metadata")][DefaultValue(null)] string additionalMetadata,
  [SKName("collection")][Description("Memories collection associated with the information to save")][DefaultValue("generic")] string collection,
  [SKName("key")][Description("The key associated with the information to save")] string key,
  ILoggerFactory? loggerFactory, 
  CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)
  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(collection) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
    throw new Exception("collection and key must not be empty");
  loggerFactory?.CreateLogger(typeof(TextMemoryExPlugin)).LogDebug("Saving memory to collection '{0}'", collection);
  await _memory.SaveInformationAsync(collection, input, key, description, additionalMetadata, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);


Action Planner


Sequential Planner




Jupyter Notebook


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)


ChatGPT Plugins with Chat Copilot


ChatGPT Plugins with ChatGPT
