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Teaching Sporks

Craig Edwards edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 16 revisions
Table of Contents
Teaching Sporks a new Phrase
Adding to an existing phrase
Making the bot forget a phrase
Other Commands
Words Sporks Recognises

Teaching Sporks a new Phrase

The bot will learn from discord servers via declarative statements. For example:

Defining a fact

If Sporks does not already know a response for 'demonstrating', then Sporks will learn this and put it into his database, so that if someone else later on asks about demonstrating, it will answer:

Querying a fact

Certain facts are locked against changing, but out of the over four million facts in the database the number locked is in single figures, so you are unlikely to encounter many:

Failing to define a fact

As well as learning from "a is b" phrases, it will also learn from "a was b" and many others. For a full list of which phrases Sporks will recognise, see Words Sporks Recognises.

Adding to an existing phrase

You can teach Sporks additional information about an existing phrase by saying that something is "also", "too" or "as well". For example:

Adding additional data to a response

Giving Sporks Amnesia (Making the bot forget a phrase)

If Sporks has already learned a response to a phrase or key word, he will not wipe the old response to learn a new one. To do this you must first make Sporks forget the old phrase. You can make Sporks forget any phrase, as shown below:

Making sporks forget a phrase

Sporks will then respond to confirm that he has forgotten the phrase, unless the phrase is locked by the bot owner.

Other Commands

Finding out how sporks learned a phrase

You can ask Sporks where and how he learned a phrase by asking:

@Sporks, who told you about <keyword-here>?

He will respond by letting you know who told you the phrase and when. Note that as Sporks is nearly 20 years old, some of the responses are extremely old and will be reflected in the times and dates shown here. For example:

Fact info for 'hi'

Showing a status report

A status report can be obtained by asking the bot:

@Sporks status

This will show a status report like the one below:

An example status report

Note that Sporks will only talk on channels, and not in private message, and will only respond when mentioned, although it will silently learn all it observes. You can change the bot to responding to all messages on a channel by using the configuration settings via the config set talkative command or alternatively dashboard.

Words Sporks Recognises

The following list of phrase patterns are recognised by Sporks. If Sporks sees a sentence following any of these patterns he will learn from it.

Where an alias is listed, this is also accepted as an alternate spelling.

Phrase Pattern Example Aliases
<keyword> is <phrase> My keyboard is broken
<keyword> are <phrase> They are on their way r
<keyword> was <phrase> My friend was going out
<keyword> aren't <phrase> Those aren't right arent
<keyword> can <phrase> My dad can lift a car!
<keyword> can't <phrase> He can't do that, don't be silly cant
<keyword> will <phrase> @Brain will do that later
<keyword> has <phrase> My license has expired :(
<keyword> had <phrase> I just had to do it
<keyword> might <phrase> We might go later
<keyword> may <phrase> Support may just be able to help you