Arxiv RAG is a web application and API designed for generating notes and answering questions on Arxiv papers using Large Language Models (LLMs). This project leverages the Unstructured API for parsing and chunking PDFs and Supabase for the PostgreSQL database and querying embeddings.
- Docker
- Node.js
- Yarn package manager
- Supabase account
- Unstructured API key
Create a .env.development.local
file in the ./api
directory with the following content:
Start a local instance of Unstructured with the following Docker command:
docker run -p 8000:8000 -d --rm --name unstructured-api --port 8000 --host
Execute the following SQL commands in your Supabase project to set up the required database structure:
-- Enable the pgvector extension
create extension vector;
-- Create tables for storing Arxiv papers, embeddings, and question answering data
CREATE TABLE arxiv_papers (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(),
paper TEXT,
arxiv_url TEXT,
notes JSONB[],
name TEXT
CREATE TABLE arxiv_embeddings (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(),
content TEXT,
embedding vector,
metadata JSONB
CREATE TABLE arxiv_question_answering (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
created_at TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(),
question TEXT,
answer TEXT,
followup_questions TEXT[],
context TEXT
-- Create a function for document matching
create function match_documents (
query_embedding vector(1536),
match_count int DEFAULT null,
filter jsonb DEFAULT '{}'
) returns table (
id UUID,
content text,
metadata jsonb,
embedding vector,
similarity float
language plpgsql
as $$
#variable_conflict use_column
return query
1 - (arxiv_embeddings.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity
from arxiv_embeddings
where metadata @> filter
order by arxiv_embeddings.embedding <=> query_embedding
limit match_count;
Add your project ID to the Supabase generate types script in package.json:
"gen:supabase:types": "touch ./src/generated.ts && supabase gen types typescript --schema public > ./src/generated.ts --project-id <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>"
yarn build
yarn start:api
yarn start:web