include mysql
mysql::db { 'mydb': }
- boxen
- homebrew
- stdlib
ATTENTION Boxen uses a non standard 13306 port to avoid collisions.
Once installed, you can access the following variables in your environment, projects, etc:
- BOXEN_MYSQL_PORT: the configured MySQL port
- BOXEN_MYSQL_URL: the URL for MySQL, including localhost & port
- BOXEN_MYSQL_SOCKET: the path to the MySQL socket
In config/database.yml:
socket = [
].detect { |f| f && File.exist?(f) }
port = ENV["BOXEN_MYSQL_PORT"] || "3306"
development: &development
adapter: mysql
database: yourapp_development
username: root
<% if socket %>
host: localhost
socket: <%= socket %>
<% else %>
port: <%= port %>
<% end %>
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
<<: *development
database: yourapp_test
Write code.
Run script/cibuild