This module integrates
query builder
to allow seamless operation based on field tags of row
All three libraries collaborate with standard database/sql
and do not take away low level control from user.
This library helps to eliminate literal string column references (e.g. "created_at"
) and use field references
instead (e.g. rf.Ref(&row.CreatedAt)
and other mapping functions).
Field tags (db
by default) act as a source of truth for column names to allow better maintainability and fewer errors.
is a high level service that provides query building, query executing and result fetching facilities
as easy to use facades.
StorageOf[V any]
typed query builder and scanner for specific table(s).
is a lower level tool that focuses on managing squirrel
query builder with row structures.
helps to build complex statements by providing fully qualified and properly escaped names for
participating columns.
// Open DB connection.
s, _ := sqluct.Open(
// Or if you already have an *sql.DB or *sqlx.DB instances, you can use them:
// db, _ := sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://pqgotest:password@localhost/pqgotest?sslmode=disable")
// s := sqluct.NewStorage(sqlx.NewDb(db, "postgres"))
ctx := context.TODO()
const tableName = "products"
type Product struct {
ID int `db:"id,omitempty"`
Title string `db:"title"`
CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at,omitempty"`
// INSERT INTO products (id, title, created_at) VALUES (1, 'Apples', <now>), (2, 'Oranges', <now>)
_, err := s.Exec(ctx, s.InsertStmt(tableName, []Product{{
ID: 1,
Title: "Apples",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
}, {
ID: 2,
Title: "Oranges",
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
if err != nil {
// UPDATE products SET title = 'Bananas' WHERE id = 2
_, err = s.Exec(
s.UpdateStmt(tableName, Product{Title: "Bananas"}).
Where(s.WhereEq(Product{ID: 2})),
if err != nil {
var (
result []Product
row Product
// SELECT id, title, created_at FROM products WHERE id != 3 AND created_at <= <now>
err = s.Select(ctx,
s.SelectStmt(tableName, row).
Where(squirrel.NotEq(s.WhereEq(Product{ID: 3}, sqluct.SkipZeroValues))).
Where(squirrel.LtOrEq{s.Col(&row, &row.CreatedAt): time.Now()}),
if err != nil {
// You can also use generic sqluct.Get and sqluct.List in go1.18 or later.
// SELECT id, title, created_at FROM products WHERE id != 3 AND created_at <= <now>
result, err = sqluct.List[Product](ctx,
s.SelectStmt(tableName, row).
Where(squirrel.NotEq(s.WhereEq(Product{ID: 3}, sqluct.SkipZeroValues))).
Where(squirrel.LtOrEq{s.Col(&row, &row.CreatedAt): time.Now()}),
if err != nil {
// DELETE FROM products WHERE id = 2
_, err = s.Exec(ctx, s.DeleteStmt(tableName).Where(Product{ID: 2}, sqluct.SkipZeroValues))
if err != nil {
type User struct {
ID int `db:"id"`
FirstName string `db:"first_name"`
LastName string `db:"last_name"`
type DirectReport struct {
ManagerID int `db:"manager_id"`
EmployeeID int `db:"employee_id"`
var s sqluct.Storage
rf := s.Ref()
// Add aliased tables as pointers to structs.
manager := &User{}
rf.AddTableAlias(manager, "manager")
employee := &User{}
rf.AddTableAlias(employee, "employee")
dr := &DirectReport{}
rf.AddTableAlias(dr, "dr")
// Find direct reports that share same last name and manager is not named John.
qb := squirrel.StatementBuilder.Select(rf.Fmt("%s, %s", &dr.ManagerID, &dr.EmployeeID)).
From(rf.Fmt("%s AS %s", rf.Q("users"), manager)). // Quote literal name and alias it with registered struct pointer.
InnerJoin(rf.Fmt("%s AS %s ON %s = %s AND %s = %s",
rf.Q("direct_reports"), dr,
&dr.ManagerID, &manager.ID, // Identifiers are resolved using row field pointers.
&dr.EmployeeID, &employee.ID)).
Where(rf.Fmt("%s = %s", &manager.LastName, &employee.LastName)).
Where(rf.Fmt("%s != ?", &manager.FirstName), "John") // Regular binds work same way as in standard squirrel.
stmt, args, err := qb.ToSql()
if err != nil {
// SELECT dr.manager_id, dr.employee_id
// FROM users AS manager
// INNER JOIN direct_reports AS dr ON dr.manager_id = AND dr.employee_id =
// WHERE manager.last_name = employee.last_name AND manager.first_name != ?
// [John]
sqluct.Table[RowType](storageInstance, tableName)
creates a type-safe storage accessor to a table with RowType
This accessor can help to retrieve or store data. Columns from multiple tables can be joined using field pointers.
Please check features overview in an example below.
var (
st = sqluct.NewStorage(sqlx.NewDb(sql.OpenDB(dumpConnector{}), "postgres"))
ctx = context.Background()
st.IdentifierQuoter = sqluct.QuoteANSI
type User struct {
ID int `db:"id"`
RoleID int `db:"role_id"`
Name string `db:"name"`
// Users repository.
ur := sqluct.Table[User](st, "users")
// Pointer to row, that can be used to reference columns via struct fields.
_ = ur.R
// Single user record can be inserted, last insert id (if available) and error are returned.
fmt.Println("Insert single user.")
_, _ = ur.InsertRow(ctx, User{Name: "John Doe", ID: 123})
// Multiple user records can be inserted with sql.Result and error returned.
fmt.Println("Insert two users.")
_, _ = ur.InsertRows(ctx, []User{{Name: "Jane Doe", ID: 124}, {Name: "Richard Roe", ID: 125}})
// Update statement for a single user with condition.
fmt.Println("Update a user with new name.")
_, _ = ur.UpdateStmt(User{Name: "John Doe, Jr.", ID: 123}).Where(ur.Eq(&ur.R.ID, 123)).ExecContext(ctx)
// Delete statement for a condition.
fmt.Println("Delete a user with id 123.")
_, _ = ur.DeleteStmt().Where(ur.Eq(&ur.R.ID, 123)).ExecContext(ctx)
fmt.Println("Get single user with id = 123.")
user, _ := ur.Get(ctx, ur.SelectStmt().Where(ur.Eq(&ur.R.ID, 123)))
// Squirrel expression can be formatted with %s reference(s) to column pointer.
fmt.Println("Get multiple users with names starting with 'John '.")
users, _ := ur.List(ctx, ur.SelectStmt().Where(ur.Fmt("%s LIKE ?", &ur.R.Name), "John %"))
// Squirrel expressions can be applied.
fmt.Println("Get multiple users with id != 123.")
users, _ = ur.List(ctx, ur.SelectStmt().Where(squirrel.NotEq(ur.Eq(&ur.R.ID, 123))))
fmt.Println("Get all users.")
users, _ = ur.List(ctx, ur.SelectStmt())
// More complex statements can be made with references to other tables.
type Role struct {
ID int `db:"id"`
Name string `db:"name"`
// Roles repository.
rr := sqluct.Table[Role](st, "roles")
// To be able to resolve "roles" columns, we need to attach roles repo to users repo.
ur.AddTableAlias(rr.R, "roles")
fmt.Println("Get users with role 'admin'.")
users, _ = ur.List(ctx, ur.SelectStmt().
LeftJoin(ur.Fmt("%s ON %s = %s", rr.R, &rr.R.ID, &ur.R.RoleID)).
Where(ur.Fmt("%s = ?", &rr.R.Name), "admin"),
_ = user
_ = users
// Output:
// Insert single user.
// exec INSERT INTO "users" ("id","role_id","name") VALUES ($1,$2,$3) [123 0 John Doe]
// Insert two users.
// exec INSERT INTO "users" ("id","role_id","name") VALUES ($1,$2,$3),($4,$5,$6) [124 0 Jane Doe 125 0 Richard Roe]
// Update a user with new name.
// exec UPDATE "users" SET "id" = $1, "role_id" = $2, "name" = $3 WHERE "users"."id" = $4 [123 0 John Doe, Jr. 123]
// Delete a user with id 123.
// exec DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 [123]
// Get single user with id = 123.
// query SELECT "users"."id", "users"."role_id", "users"."name" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 [123]
// Get multiple users with names starting with 'John '.
// query SELECT "users"."id", "users"."role_id", "users"."name" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" LIKE $1 [John %]
// Get multiple users with id != 123.
// query SELECT "users"."id", "users"."role_id", "users"."name" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" <> $1 [123]
// Get all users.
// query SELECT "users"."id", "users"."role_id", "users"."name" FROM "users" []
// Get users with role 'admin'.
// query SELECT "users"."id", "users"."role_id", "users"."name" FROM "users" LEFT JOIN "roles" ON "roles"."id" = "users"."role_id" WHERE "roles"."name" = $1 [admin]
When building WHERE
conditions from row structure it is often needed skip empty fields from condition.
Behavior with empty fields (zero values) can be controlled via omitempty
field tag flag and sqluct.IgnoreOmitEmpty
Please check example below to learn about behavior differences.
var s sqluct.Storage
type Product struct {
ID int `db:"id,omitempty"`
Name string `db:"name,omitempty"`
Price int `db:"price"`
query, args, err := s.SelectStmt("products", Product{}).Where(s.WhereEq(Product{
ID: 123,
Price: 0,
fmt.Println(query, args, err)
// This query skips `name` in where condition for its zero value and `omitempty` flag.
// SELECT id, name, price FROM products WHERE id = $1 AND price = $2 [123 0] <nil>
query, args, err = s.SelectStmt("products", Product{}).Where(s.WhereEq(Product{
ID: 123,
Price: 0,
}, sqluct.IgnoreOmitEmpty)).ToSql()
fmt.Println(query, args, err)
// This query adds `name` in where condition because IgnoreOmitEmpty is applied and `omitempty` flag is ignored.
// SELECT id, name, price FROM products WHERE id = $1 AND name = $2 AND price = $3 [123 0] <nil>
query, args, err = s.SelectStmt("products", Product{}).Where(s.WhereEq(Product{
ID: 123,
Price: 0,
}, sqluct.SkipZeroValues)).ToSql()
fmt.Println(query, args, err)
// This query adds skips both price and name from where condition because SkipZeroValues option is applied.
// SELECT id, name, price FROM products WHERE id = $1 [123] <nil>