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XSolve Web Testing Framework is test framework above Selenium Webdriver and Cucumber written in JS (Node). NPM:

Main goals:

  • Easy to use, high-level methods
  • All needed waits built-in
  • BDD Layer (Gherkin)
  • Reports useful from both business and developers point of view (Gherkin scenarios, Screenshots, Driver logs, Proxy logs)
  • Headless execution support
  • Parallel execution (not in first release)
  • Multiple driver configs and devices support (not in first release)

Table of Contents


  • Linux (currently, support for other systems may be added later)
  • Node.js (v6.X or newer)
  • NPM 3.X or later (older versions can't be used because of different node_modules directory structure)
  • Selenium Server (recommended 3.X)
  • BrowserMob Proxy (v2.1.X or newer)


  • Xvfb (for headless execution)

Project setup

There are currently few requirements according to the directory and files structure.


config.json file must be created in the main project directory. Example config.json file can be found in Config section of this doc.

cucumber runner - config (optional)

If you want to run tests without using xsolve_wtf.js runner using cucumber.js command cucumber.js require parameters must be passed to cucumber:

--require node_modules/xsolve_wtf/dist/ --require features/

It is also possible to create cucumber.js file in main project directory - adding parameters directly won't be needed then.

module.exports = {
  "default" : "--require node_modules/xsolve_wtf/dist/ --require features/"


Described for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Node.js and NPM

Install Node.js and NPM from NodeSource. curl -sL -o && sudo bash && sudo apt-get install build-essential nodejs


Oracle Java may be needed because of the BrowserMob Proxy (OpenJDK may not work correctly). You can install it and set as default version using: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer.

Verify Java version using java -version and change if needed using sudo update-alternatives --config java

Selenium Server

Download Selenium Server Standalone using wget (here version 3.4.0): wget

or manually from Selenium website:

Selenium Drivers

Download Driver you want to use (Chromedriver recommended, other driver weren't tested yet).


Download latest version from You can use wget for this: wget (here version 2.30, x86-64)

Unzip (if needed install Unzip using sudo apt-get install unzip): unzip

Copy chromedriver binary to /user/bin or /usr/local/bin: sudo cp chromedriver /usr/bin

Check if Chromedriver is visible: chromedriver --version.

Not only Chromedriver is needed - Chrome browser also has to be installed. Verify chrome installation with google-chrome --version.

BrowserMob Proxy

Download BrowserMob Proxy using: wget or manually from project page:

Unzip: unzip

Xvfb (optional)

If you want to run tests on headless server you would also need Xvfb. sudo apt-get install xvfb xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic x11-apps imagemagick

XSolve Web Testing Framework

Assuming you have xsolve_wtf dependancy in your package.json file just run npm install - framework and all needed dependencies will be installed (cucumber etc.).


Start Selenium Server

Selenium Server must be running during test execution: If you want to run Selenium Server on default port (4444): java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.*.jar

You can also set custom port running with -port parameter: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.*.jar -port 4444


If you want to run headlessly you must create virtual display and set it as default BEFORE running Selenium Server. You can create display using: /usr/bin/Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1920x1080x24 & (here display number 99 with resolution 1920x1080) Then you have to set display you want to use (99 in this case): export DISPLAY=:99

If you want to return to "normal" display you have to set value to :0: export DISPLAY=:0 and rerun Selenium Webdriver if needed.

Start BrowserMob Proxy

BrowserMob Proxy also must be running during test execution. You can run proxy by running: bin/browsermob-proxy -port 8888 from inside BrowserMob Proxy directory.

Run tests

Tests can be run using: node_modules/xsolve_wtf/bin/xsolve_wtf.js

More detailed information about Runner is available in Runner section.


Runner is now available (0.4.X and newer versions) - it should be used instead of directly using cucumber runner.

Cucumber parameters

You can pass "normal" cucumber parameters - specify .feature files etc. using --cucumber or -c parameter.

node_modules/xsolve_wtf/bin/xsolve_wtf.js -c "feature/example.feature"

If you want to use quotes (") inside you have to escape them. It's possible to insert --tags cucumber parameter here too but it's better to use Tags - it's not needed to escape all quotes then.


Tags can be used using --tags or -t parameter.

node_modules/xsolve_wtf/bin/xsolve_wtf.js --tags @disabled node_modules/xsolve_wtf/bin/xsolve_wtf.js --tags "@test and not @disabled"

Make sure to use Cucumber Tag Expressions, not old-style Cucumber tags - there are not available anymore since Cucumber 2.X.

Runner - help

Help can be displayed using --help or -h parameter.

node_modules/xsolve_wtf/bin/xsolve_wtf.js --help

Runner - framework version

Framework version can be displayed using --version or -v parameter.

node_modules/xsolve_wtf/bin/xsolve_wtf.js --version

Cucumber runner

It's still (0.4.X version) possible to run tests using directly cucumber runner but it's not recommended. node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js

Required changes

0.4.X version

Config file structure is the same as in 0.3.X version but config file is now validated. You have to make sure it's correct according to the rules. All required parameters must be available and also all custom values must be placed in user or custom.

0.3.X version

Config file was changed in comparison to 0.2.x version - config.json must be used now instead of config.js. Example config can be found in Config section.

Deprecated loadPageByRoute and validateUrlByRoute methods were removed - pageUrlDate file isn't required anymore. It should be used on user side now - methods can be just copied from xsolve_wtf.js file.



World contains all basic methods needed for development of functional tests of websites. Driver is available too so it is possible to use all low-level Webdriver methods. All methods that need if contain build-in waits (timeouts configurable in config file), custom timeout can be set too.


click(xpath, customTimeout)

Clicks element identified by xpath.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.


Returns current Url

hover(xpath, customTimeout)

Hovers mouse cursor over element.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

loadPage(url, customTimeout)

Loads page by URL.

url page URL customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

fillInInput(xpath, value, blur, customTimeout)

Fills in input with value.

xpath string with element xpath

value string with text value

blur (optional) - blur support

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

findElement(xpath, customTimeout)

Just like Webdriver findElement with wait.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

findElements(xpath, customTimeout)

Just like Webdriver findElements with wait.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

selectFileInputValue(inputXP, fileName, customTimeout)

Sets file input value.

inputXP string with file input element xpath.

fileName fileName that would be set

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

setCheckboxValue(xpath, value, customTimeout)

Sets checkbox value.

xpath string with element xpath

value checkbox value

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.


getCheckboxValue(xpath, customTimeout)

Returns checkbox value.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

getElementsNumber(xpath, customTimeout)

Returns number of elements.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

getElementText(xpath, customTimeout)

Returns element text.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateCheckboxValue(xpath, value, customTimeout)

Validates if checkbox is set to expected value.

xpath string with element xpath

value expected value

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateElementDisplayed(xpath, customTimeout)

Validates if element is displayed (not only visible in page source - visible in sources AND displayed). May be browser-specific because of the driver differences.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateElementNotDisplayed(xpath, customTimeout)

Validates if element is not displayed (visible in sources and not displayed). May be browser-specific because of the driver differences.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateElementText(xpath, text, customTimeout)

Validates if text of element is equal to expected.

xpath string with element xpath

text expected text

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateElementVisible(xpath, customTimeout)

Checks if element is visible in page source. May not be displayed.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateElementNotVisible(xpath, customTimeout)

Checks if element is not visible in page source.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateElementsNumber(xpath, number, customTimeout)

Validates if number of elements is correct.

xpath string with element xpath

number expected number of elements

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.


Validates if the page load is complete. extendedPageReadyStateValidation may be enabled in config file for extended validation (currently only Angular support implemented).

validateUrl(url, customTimeout)

Validates url by url text.

url url string customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateUrlByRegex(regex, customTimeout)

Validates url by regex.

regex regex customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.



Returns current driver. May be used for direct driver access when low-level driver methods are needed.

getInstanceNumber() (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)

Returns number of instance in case of parallel execution.

logError(errorMessage, noThrow)

Error logger. errorMessage message noThrow (optional) - can be set if error message should only be displayed and not thrown.

logMessage(logMessage, detailedOnlyLog)

Message logger - writes custom messages for steps. logMessage message detailedOnlyLog (optional) - can be set if message should be only shown if config detailedTestLog is enabled.


Static sleep.

sleepTime sleep time (ms)


Cleans browser state - Cookies, localStorage, sessionStorage and console logs.

takeScreenshot(fileName, directory)

Takes screenshot.

fileName screenshot file name (without extension - would be saved as .png).

directory directory where screenshot would be saved.


Returns current date in YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS-mmm format (for example 2017-06-26_13-53-51-122)

Angular-specific (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)

Angular specific methods.

getAngularInputValue(xpath, customTimeout)

Returns angular input value.

xpath string with element xpath

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.

validateDynamicAngularInputValue(xpath, expectedValue, customTimeout)

Validates if angular input value is correct.

xpath string with element xpath

expectedValue expected input value

customTimeout (optional) - would be used instead of default config timeout.


Configuration options. config.json file must be created in main project directory. Framework settings are required. Also custom project-related settings may be added (user or custom) - more details in Project specific settings.

Example config:

	"baseUrl": "http://localhost:82/",
	"seleniumServerHost": "localhost",
	"seleniumServerPort": 4444,
	"proxyHost": "localhost",
	"proxyPort": 8888,
	"proxyHttpPort": 8082,
	"platform": "CHROME",
	"runMaximized": true,
	"xvfbMode": false,
	"xvfbSettings": {
		"windowWidth": 1920,
		"windowHeight": 1080
	"defaultTimeout": 30000,
	"defaultStepTimeout": 45000,
	"seleniumDriverLogLevel": "SEVERE",
	"seleniumBrowserLogLevel": "ALL",
	"proxyCaptureHeaders": true,
	"proxyCaptureContent": false,
	"detailedTestLog": false,
	"enableScreenshotReports": false,
	"extendedPageReadyStateValidation": true,
	"pollingRate": 100

Project related


Url of main page. Value not required - depends on Pages implementation.



Host of Selenium Server. Remote server may be used.


Port of Selenium Server.



Host of BrowserMob Proxy.


Port of BrowserMob Proxy.


Proxy HTTP port.



Browser/Driver the tests would be run on. Chrome browser is recommended. Other browsers weren't tested.

Possible values:

  • IE
  • EDGE
  • IPAD


Set if browser should be maximized. In case of Chrome running inside Xvfb display xvfbMode may be required to correctly maximize.


Sets static Browser window dimensions based on xvfbSettings values.


Defines Xvfb Browser window dimensions.

windowWidth - width of browser window (px) windowHeight - height of browser window (px)



Default timeout of specific action (for example click, validateElementVisible etc.) in ms.


Default timeout of Cucumber step in ms.



Sets log level for Selenium Driver.

Possible values:

  • OFF
  • INFO
  • ALL


Sets log level for Browser.

Possible values:

  • OFF
  • INFO
  • ALL


Controlls if request headers are logged by proxy.


Controlls if request content (body) is logged by proxy.


If enabled detailed logs are displayed. May be used for debugging.


Allows to enable/disable Screenshot reports functionality. If set to true screenshots will be made for every action. May be useful for for example for test reports.



By default actions are made after DOM is loaded (document.readystate == 'complete'). This option allows to enable additional validation for Angular apps - checking if requests are finished.


Polling rate isn't supported by Selenium JS bindings - on our test environment about 60-80 requests per second to Selenium Server were made. It isn't speeding up tests execution and it's causing additional CPU usage. This option allows to limit it to some reasonable value.

Project specific settings

"user": {
	"test1": true,
	"test2": "aaa"
"custom": {
	"test3": false,
	"test4": "bbb"

Project-specific settings can also be added to config.json file. user or custom keywords may be used and may contain any needed values.


Planned features:

  • Examples
  • Require wrapper
  • Runner
  • Proxy disable/enable config
  • Framework specific methods (for example for Angular)
  • Multiple devices support, Profiles
  • Parallel execution
  • Actions support


No description, website, or topics provided.







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