All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
No longer need conda environment to run python scripts Antenna PCO values now constellation specific
POD does not output clocks in the predicted part of the generated SP3 file
Beidou block ids and SRPs (type 2 and type 3)
Allowance for occasional missing pseudo observation data points (rows with all zero)
Checks for unhealthy satellites at epoch 1
Use of different sp3 file for comparison - does not need to contain exactly the same PRNs as the pseudo obs file
Reading of pod sinex metadata file
Read/write RINEX4 compatability
New pod mode: pod_data_int which uses pod_data section for integrating given IC. New example ex00_pod_test_g01.yaml
Option to output pod sp3 as icrf. sp3_itrf: false (default value is true) in pod_options.
PEA YAML config file refactored
Ginan EDA Enhancements
Minimum Constraints algorithm and config options enhanced
Brdc2sp3 application robustness improved
POD ERP/EOP interpolation algorithm improved
Streamlined PEA/POD .erp information handling implemented
RTCM3 SSR orbit and clock IODE rollover interpolation improved
PEA PDE module now cleans and edits all observations, not only sampling interval observations
Improved SPP algorithm
Numerous bugs
PEA v1.4 YAML config files
Fixed bug in Glonass (GLO) satellite clocks
Updates to documentation that were missed in the release
Specify versions of Eigen, Boost, Mongo-cxx
Remove spurious CMakeLists.txt in the root directory
YAML config error warnings: PEA now attempts to detect typos in the input config file
Improvements to EOP/ERP handling when the integration arc is longer than 1 day - as a result the POD is now twice as fast as before
PEA no longer estimates corrections to ERP parameters but outputs absolute ERP values
Refactoring and simplification of hardware and system Bias handling code
Kalman Filter statistical tests now fully implemented
Mongo C++ library dependencies now required at build time
Ambiguity resolution (AR) algorithm improved
Bugfixes in RTCM and SSR code
Several CMake build issues resolved
New fix and hold ambiguity resolution algorithm implemented in the PEA
Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) rate parameter estimation implemented in PEA
Output of IGS standard Earth Rotation Parameter (.ERP) file format from PEA and POD implemented
Export of RINEX v3 observation and navigation files from RTCM stream capability added to the PEA
Real-time raw RTCM stream binary file recording and playback capability implemented in the PEA
Machine readable JSON format output of RTCM correction stream messages implemented in PEA
Troposphere (.TRO) file output implemented in the PEA
RTCM3 stream monitoring metrics logging capability added to PEA
Seamless integration of updated EOP estimates from PEA into POD reintegrated orbits
Processing of L1/L5 ionosphere free combination data enabled for L1/L5 only receivers
Generalised First Order Gauss Markov (FOGM) Kalman Filter process noise implemented in PEA Kalman Filter
Calculation of Kalman Filter Chi Square and W-test statistics implemented
User definable orbit Initial Condition (IC) time implemented in the POD
Export of RTCM stream navigation messages to .SP3 file format implemented
RINEX broadcast ephemeris to SP3 file standalone utility (brdc2sp3) added
Numerous new Ginan python utilities added (difftrace, diffsnx, duffutil, merge_sp3, log2snx, etc)
Ginan v2 uncombined/undifferenced algorithm code framework implemented
Output listing of all available PEA configuration options implemented with pea -Y option
PEA Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoothing filter algorithm performance improved
MongoDash visualisation tool renamed Ginan Exploratory Data Analysis tool (GinanEDA), numerous performance and analytical features added
PEA output to MongoDB performance improvement and additional outputs implemented
PEA TRACE and solution summary (.SUM) file format updates. All output is now time tagged with improved formating for easier reading and searching
PEA Kalman Filter performance and stability improvements
Streamlined and improved handling of RTCM input and output data and correction streams
Unification of PEA user mode and network mode filters in the codebase
Updated all Ginan PEA and POD user use-case examples to reflect changes since Ginanv-1.2-Aplha release
Updated all Ginan PEA and POD user use-case examples filenames to better reflect their purpose
Updated Ginan use case example downloader, script updated to allow individual data, products and solutions tar balls to be downloaded separately
CMake.txt file simplification and build stability improvements
New Ginan download, install, and use-case videos completed
Missing .SP3 file entries and “0 position” satellite entries bug fixed in the POD
Improved outlier and cycle slip detection and data downweighing in the PEA Kalman Filter
IONEX file output format bug fixes
Numerous new Ginan python utilities added (difftrace, diffsnx, duffutil, merge_sp3, log2snx, etc)
Default PEA Kalman Filter inverter changed to LDLT
Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements
small change in pea example 3 config
this file (
- Eigen v3.4 compilation problem fix
Ambiguity Resolution Ntrip casters/Rtcm streams BiasSinex changes significant additional documentation in manual
Galileo DTOE 600.0 => 1800.0 Some Ionosphere changes apply coding standards to some units