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Bullet Physics extension for GameMaker

License Discord

Maintained by: kraifpatrik

Table of Contents


GMBullet is an extension that exposes Bullet physics functions to GameMaker. Its goal is not to be a simplification layer, but instead it tries to match Bullet's API as closely as possible.

Translating API

Bullet's C++ public API is converted into a C-like code and exposed to GML. This is how to find a GMBullet equivalent to a Bullet function:

Constructors and destructors

In GMBullet, these are the class name appended with _create or _destroy. For example:

// C++
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(
    dispatcher, pairCache, constraintSolver, collisionConfiguration);

delete dynamicsWorld;


// GML
var dynamicsWorld = btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_create(
    dispatcher, pairCache, constraintSolver, collisionConfiguration);


If a Bullet class/struct has multiple constructors, in GMBullet these are available as separate functions. For example these are the constructors of btQuaternion available in GMBullet:

// GML
btQuaternion_create(x, y, z, w);
btQuaternion_createFromAxisAngle(axis, angle);
btQuaternion_createFromEuler(yaw, pitch, roll);

If a Bullet class/struct is defined inside of a namespace or another class/struct, the GMBullet name is just the class/struct name (prepended with bt, if missing), without the namespace. For example, btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback becomes just btClosestRayResultCallback.


In GMBullet, these are the class name appended with underscore, followed by the method name. The first argument of a method is always a pointer to the class instance. For example:

// C++
btVector3 gravity(0.0, 0.0, -9.8);


// GML
var gravity = btVector3_create(0, 0, -9.8);
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_setGravity(dynamicsWorld, gravity);

Return values

Instead of allocating a new class/struct and returning those directly, GMBullet uses output parameters, appended to the end of the original function. For example:

// C++
btVector3 gravity = dynamicsWorld->getGravity();
// Use gravity...


// GML
var outGravity = btVector3_create();
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_getGravity(dynamicsWorld, outGravity);
// Use outGravity...

Public properties

Public properties of classes/structs in Bullet are exposed via getters and setters in GMBullet. For example for m_hitPointWorld of btClosestRayResultCallback, there's a getter btClosestRayResultCallback_getHitPointWorld.


Operator overloads are currently not exposed in GMBullet! (But when they're added, they are most likely going t be _add, _sub, _mul and _div, appended to the class/struct name.)


  • Collision world
  • Collision shapes
    • Box
    • Sphere
    • Capsule
    • Cone
    • Convex hull (🛑 TODO)
    • Cylinder
    • Compound
    • Plane (🛑 TODO)
    • Triangle mesh
      • For dynamic colliders (🛑 TODO)
      • For static colliders
    • Heightfield terrain
  • Collision objects
  • Discrete dynamics world
  • Rigid body
  • Constraints
    • ConeTwist
    • Fixed
    • Gear
    • Generic6Dof
    • Generic6DofSpring2
    • Generic6DofSpring
    • Hinge2
    • Hinge
    • Point2Point
    • Slider
    • Typed
    • Universal
  • Actions
    • Raycast vehicle
  • Ray test
  • Sweep test
  • Contact tests
  • Debug draw
    • In-memory (copy to vertex buffer, submit from GM; slow)
    • OpenGL 2 (🛑 TODO)
    • D3D11 (🛑 TODO)
  • Soft body (🚧 WIP)
  • Multithreading (🛑 TODO)

Documentation and help

Bullet itself is quite poorly documented and I myself am no Bullet guru, so the absolute most of the GMBullet documentation was generated from source code using ChatGPT 3.5. For the most part, it seems quite good, but sometimes it looks like complete BS. But hey, it's better than nothing! The documentation can be found online at The best way to learn Bullet remains to be using examples included in the official repo. In case you need help with GMBullet, you can join the BlueBurn Discord server, where I will try to do my best to answer your questions. This repo also contains a sample GM project to help you get started.

Building from source

Requires CMake version 3.23 or newer!

# Clone the repo, including submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules

# Build Bullet
cd GMBullet/bullet3
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --config=Release

# Build GMBullet
cd ../../
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config=Release


Based on Bullet Physics extension for GameMaker: Studio 1.4 by Okapi, available from under "Finish it, learn from it, do whatever the hell you want" license. Further modifications to the library are available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license text.
