Install editor-canvas
$ npm install editor-canvas
- Description. ✏️
- Resize Text. 📄
- Split Text. 📝
- Draw Center 📍
- Circle Image. ⭕
- Curved Edge 🔲
- Draw Polygon 📏
- Resize Image 🔧
- Other 🔗
- Crop Image ✂️
- image width/height will not change !
- new parameter (Canvas) to easy to use.
editor canvas is a simple package help you to edit your image and text. (All example bellow is under discord, but you can use the function anywhere)
Resize text to not go out canvas image.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const Canvas = require("canvas");
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
var args = message.content.split(" ");
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "write") {
var canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(512, 512),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var words = args.slice(1);
ctx.font = editor.resizeText(ctx, { text: words });
ctx.fillText(words, 100, 0);{ files: [canvas.toBuffer()] });
Split text to not go out canvas image.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const Canvas = require("canvas");
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
var args = message.content.split(" ");
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "write") {
var canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(512, 512),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var words = args.slice(1);
ctx.font = "20px ";
words = editor.splitText(ctx, { text: words });
ctx.fillText(words, 100, 0);{ files: [canvas.toBuffer()] });
draw image in a specify center point
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const Canvas = require("canvas");
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
var args = message.content.split(" ");
if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "center") {
var canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(512, 512),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var avatar ={
dynamic: false,
format: "jpg",
size: 1024,
avatar = await editor.drawCircle({ image: avatar, Canvas });
editor.drawCenter(ctx, avatar, 200, 200, 100, 100);{ files: [canvas.toBuffer()] });
from an image to circle.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
if (message.content === "circle") {
var avatar ={
dynamic: false,
format: "jpg",
size: 2048,
avatar = await editor.drawCircle({ image: avatar });{ files: [avatar] });
Curve the edge for image
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
if (message.content === "curve") {
var avatar ={
dynamic: false,
format: "jpg",
size: 1024,
avatar = await editor.drawSquare({ image: avatar });{ files: [avatar] });
Draw any polygon with simple step
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
if (message.content === "polygon") {
var avatar ={
dynamic: false,
format: "jpg",
size: 1024,
avatar = await editor.drawPolygon({ image: avatar, angle: 10 });{ files: [avatar] });
Resize your image with specific width & height
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
var [cmd, width, height] = message.content.trim().split(/ +/);
if (cmd === "resize") {
var avatar ={
dynamic: false,
format: "jpg",
size: 1024,
avatar = await editor.resizeImage({
image: avatar,
width: width,
height: height,
});{ files: [avatar] });
crop your image with specific coordinates
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
const editor = require("editor-canvas");
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
var [cmd, x, y, width, height] = message.content.trim().split(/ +/);
if (cmd === "crop") {
var avatar ={
dynamic: false,
format: "jpg",
size: 1024,
avatar = await editor.cropImage({
image: avatar,
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
});{ files: [avatar] });
functions and its options.
• (ctx, { text, width, font }) text // specific text. (required) width // when text go out the spefic width will resize. (optional) // width: 200 font // text font to start with it. (optional) // font: 20
• (ctx, { text, width, maxLine }) text // specific text. (required) width // when text go out the spefic width will resize. (optional) // width: 200 maxLine // max line reached when text is big. (optional) // maxLine: 2
• ({ image ,fill, stroke, weight, Canvas }) image // specific image. (optional) fill // if don't want image , u can draw circle with specific color. (optional) // fill: "BLACK" stroke // draw a fram among image or circle, with specific color. (optional) // stroke: "BLACK" weight // fram width. (optional) //weight: 5 Canvas // you can use the image in your canvas code without use "loadImage" // else will be a Buffer image
• ({ image, fill, stroke, weight, curve, Canvas }) image // specific image. (optional) fill // if don't want image , u can draw circle with specific color. (optional) // fill: "BLACK" stroke // draw a fram among image or circle, with specific color. (optional) // stroke: "BLACK" weight // fram width. (optional) //weight: 5 curve // curve the edge. (optional) //curve: 30 Canvas // you can use the image in your canvas code without use "loadImage" // else will be a Buffer image
• ({ image, fill, stroke, weight, angle }) image // specific image. (optional) fill // if don't want image , u can draw circle with specific color. (optional) // fill: "BLACK" stroke // draw a fram among image or circle, with specific color. (optional) // stroke: "BLACK" weight // fram width. (optional) //weight: 5 angle // count of polygon angle. (optional) //angle: 10 Canvas // you can use the image in your canvas code without use "loadImage" // else will be a Buffer image
• ({ image, width, height, Canvas }) image // specific image. (required) width // the new width for image. (optional) height // the new height for image. (optional) Canvas // you can use the image in your canvas code without use "loadImage" // else will be a Buffer image
• ({ image, x, y, width, height, Canvas }) image // specific image. (required) x // to crop from top y // to crop from left width // the width to crop height // the height to crop Canvas // you can use the image in your canvas code without use "loadImage" // else will be a Buffer image