Listens to topics and executes asynchronous functions able to process each kafka message, ensuring that any processing will succeed, before the corresponding message offset is committed.
- Simple API
- Ensures that all the jobs will be executed successfully before a message will be committed
- Retry strategy for jobs that fail
- Graceful shutdown
yarn add kafka-executor
npm install kafka-executor --save
import KafkaExecutor, { Job } from 'kafka-executor';
const executor = new KafkaExecutor({
executor.addJob('myJobId',new Job((kafkaMessage)=>{
return Promise.resolve();
import { Job } from 'kafka-executor';
new Job(() => Promise.resolve(), {
maxRetries?: number,
retryDelay?: number | (retryNumber: number) => number,
shouldRetry?: boolean | (err: Error) => boolean,
Name | Required | Default | Description |
maxRetries: number | no | 3 | How many times must retry until fail |
retryDelay: number | (retryIndex)=>number | no | 60000 ms | The delay between the retries in ms |
shouldRetry: boolean | (error)=>boolean | no | true | Determines if a job have to retry in case of failure |
import KafkaExecutor from 'kafka-executor';
new KafkaExecutor({
brokerList: string;
groupId: string;
topics: string[];
connectionTimeout: string[];
checkInterval?: number;
batchSize?: number;
errorHandler?: (err: Error[], message:KafkaMessage,commit:Function) => void;
logger?: (message: string, type: LogType, code?: string) => void;
maxRetries?: number;
retryDelay?: number;
consumer?: object;
Name | Required | Default | Description |
brokerList: string | yes | - | Initial list of brokers as a CSV list of broker host or host:port |
topics: [string] | yes | - | The topics that the consumer will listen to |
groupId: string | yes | - | Client group id string. All clients sharing the same belong to the same group |
checkInterval: number | no | 2000 | How match time to wait until check for new messages in case of dead period |
batchSize: number | no | 1 | How many messages to process concurrently, Change this according to your error tolerance |
errorHandler: (error,kafkaMessage,commit:Function)=>void | no | yes | A function responsible for handling job errors. By Default the process will exit with code 1 |
logger: (message:string, type:'info'|'warn'|'error', code)=>void | no | console | A function responsible for logging |
consumer: object | no | - | Options for the consumer see rdkafka configuration options |
maxRetries: number | no | 3 | Global configuration for all jobs |
retryDelay: number | no | 60000 ms | Global configuration for all jobs |
import KafkaExecutor from 'kafka-executor';
const executor = new KafkaExecutor({
brokerList: '';
groupId: 'group';
topics: ['topic'];
executor.addJob('myJobId',new Job(...))
Name | Description |
init: (jobId:string)=>Promise) | Initialize the kafka-executor and connect consumer with the kafka. |
addJob: (jobId:string, new Job(...))=>void) | Adds a job in the processing flow. |
removeJob: (jobId:string)=>void) | removes a job. |
on: (jobId:string)=>void) | Listens in a variant of events handled by kafka-executor and rdkafka |
shutdown: (jobId:string)=>Promise) | shutdown the process gracefully ensuring that the pending jobs will finish before exit |
Event | Arguments | Description |
message.received | kafkaMessage[] | Fires when the consumer gets a message |
message.committed | kafkaMessage | Fires when the consumer commits a message |
processing.error | kafkaMessage, error | Fires when one or more jobs fail |
shutdown | - | Fires when the kafka-executor shutdown |
Event | Description |
data |
When using the Standard API consumed messages are emitted in this event. |
disconnected |
The disconnected event is emitted when the broker disconnects. This event is only emitted when .disconnect is called. The wrapper will always try to reconnect otherwise. |
ready |
The ready event is emitted when the Consumer is ready to read messages. |
event |
The event event is emitted when librdkafka reports an event (if you opted in via the event_cb option). |
event.log |
The event.log event is emitted when logging events occur (if you opted in for logging via the event_cb option).You will need to set a value for debug if you want information to send. |
event.stats |
The event.stats event is emitted when librdkafka reports stats (if you opted in by setting the to a non-zero value). |
event.throttle |
The event.throttle event is emitted when librdkafka reports throttling. |
value: Buffer,
size: number,
topic: string,
offset: number,
partition: number,
key: string,
timestamp: number
Name | Type | Description |
value | Buffer | message contents as a Buffer |
size | number | size of the message, in bytes |
topic | string | topic the message comes from |
offset | number | offset the message was read from |
partition | string | partition the message was on |
key | number | key of the message if present |
timestamp | number | timestamp of message creation |
jobId: string,
status?: string,
Name | type | Description |
jobId | the failed job | |
status | the http status if exists |
Name | Description |
kafkaError | Log produced by kafka |
connectionError | Log produced when trying to connect to kafka |
jobFailed | Log produced by a job |
jobRetry | Log produced by a job when retries |