SGH Warsaw School of Economics
- Poland
- http://bogumilkaminski.pl/about/
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0678-282X
- Pro
Meta-package for data analysis in Julia, modeled after the R tidyverse.
Lightweigth package to print a table that implements the Tables.jl interface in Markdown.
Julia package with a set of functions to manipulate strings with ANSI escape sequences.
A simple hypergraphs package for the Julia programming language
Codes for the book "Julia for Data Analysis"
SparkSQL.jl enables Julia programs to work with Apache Spark data using just SQL.
A tutorial on DataFrames.jl prepared for JuliaCon2021
Pure Julia implementation of a terminal pager
Easy table viewing in a pop-up window in Julia
A Julia package for piping a value through a series of transformation expressions using a more convenient syntax than Julia's native piping functionality.
Python-based functions for the validation of Value-at-Risk results
Simple package for literate programming in Julia
NBConverter stuff to convert Jupyter Notebooks in to Julia Literate.jl files (This is the opposite of Literate.jl)
Improved thread management for background and nonuniform tasks in Julia. Docs at https://tro3.github.io/ThreadPools.jl
Boost LaTeX typesetting efficiency with preview, compile, autocomplete, colorize, and more.
High performance nearest neighbor data structures (KDTree and BallTree) and algorithms for Julia.
Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook, published by Packt
utilities for "soft" global scope in interactive Julia environments
OpenStreetMap (*.osm) support for Julia 1.0 and up
The most complete R development and data science platform.
Progress meter for long-running computations
DEPRECATED in favor of [JuliaData/Arrow.jl](https://github.com/JuliaData/Arrow.jl)