Minecraft server startup and management scripts
PURPOSE: Be able to manage a minecraft / modded minecraft server by adding and removing players based on the commands given, and to be able to manage the server from starting and stopping, to saving and giving the "top" command.
USAGE: minecraftServer.sh [command] Takes in command line arguments: start|stop|update|save|add|remove|top
For arguments: add|remove there adds the second argument: player username This will allow you to add or remove a player from the server whitelist, and the permissions config files and the groups heirarchy
Functions: isRunning(): this should test for if the server is actually running (the java executable) and it should test to see if users are connected. If the server is running, and users are connected, then before it executes a shutdown / restart, it should alert users through the in-game console that the server is going down for shutdown/restart.
Start(): Plainly, it starts the server in a "screen" session so as to be able to disconnect from the SSH session, but keep the server running.
Stop(): Tests if server is running, if running, will output to game console that the server is stopping
Update(): Tests if server is running, but right now it is just a stub, needs implemented
Save(): Tests if running, echos to the server to save-all
AddPlayer(): if running, add user to whitelist, and add username to group specified; the groups are specified in your permissions plug-in configuration file
Remove(): if running, remove user from permissions, and then remove from whitelist
SysTop(): if argument is "top", add a new window to the existing screen session, and execute top command
NOTE: arguments are passed through a translation statement to translate to lowercase, and then at the end calls the functions with the second argument. (i.e. $1 = START ... gets converted to : Start Starting )