Releases: bibledit/windows
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.021
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.021.exe
Fixed: Fails to navigate through exports on Windows.
For better performance on Windows for ARM, and better battery life, download file bibledit-5.1.021-arm.exe.
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.020
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.020.exe
Bibledit for Windows moved from the CEF Sharp to the Microsoft Webview2 embedded web browser.
Fix NET Bible error "You have been blocked".
No more send/receive lockups due to plenty of emails to be sent off.
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.018
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.018.exe
Internal changes only, that is, the app Is now built on Windows 11 through Visual Studio 2022.
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.013
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.013.exe
Can enable or disable spell check in Bible editors.
Fix broken Javascript in rare cases, fixing a broken verse editor.
Localize the recently used styles.
Can remove a Bible with trailing spaces in its name.
Support for USFM marker \sup for superscript text.
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.009
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.009.exe
Downloading exports in the Windows app works again.
Finding text in the Windows app user interface works again.
Outputs a blank line for the \b style for Web export.
Outputs the chapter number also for one-chapter books.
The start of a line of poetry no longer overlaps a chapter number in drop caps in web export.
Marks USFM table cells with a vertical bar in the Bible editors.
Can display the OSIS tags, like Strong's numbers, in the SWORD resources.
Support for the new Studylight website so it displays the Studylight resources again.
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.002(b)
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.002.exe
Update CefSharp embedded browser to version 117 due to security fixes.
Update .NET to version 4.7 as required by CefSharp.
Bibledit for Windows 5.1.002
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.1.002.exe
Updated Windows web engine.
Can display the OSIS tags, like Strong's numbers, in the SWORD resources.
Support for the new Studylight website so it displays the Studylight resources again.
Fixed: The French user interface gives Javascript errors in the Bible editors.
Bibledit for Windows 5.0.996
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.996.exe.
Being able to set a stylesheet for a Bible is now a privilege that can be assigned to roles lower than a manager.
Displays the Easy English Bible Commentary lots better.
Space below the focused verse in the verse editor now has no visible height anymore.
Clarify code 426 in the Journal to mean that the client should upgrade to https when connecting to the Cloud.
Can set the paragraph style for the \fig marker for Bible figures.
Clearer error message when access to Google Translate has not yet been set up.
Client downloads list of comparative resources from Cloud and can select from those.
Better checking on internet address, port number, and credentials, when connecting to the Cloud.
The number prefixed to the filenames of the exported books of a Bible now depends on the book order set for that Bible.
Disable autocorrect and autocapitalize for username and search entries.
Can define a "Translated resource". This translates a resource through Google Translate.
Fixed: Bible editors did not use the selected font.
Sub-pages from Settings in basic mode have a back arrow to return to the Settings.
Can select active Bible on search pages.
Removes word-level attributes in the editor preview.
Bibledit for Windows 5.0.983
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.983.exe.
Removes word-level attributes when exporting a Bible.
Bibledit for Windows 5.0.980
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.980.exe.
Can copy data from Bibledit to Paratext and vice versa.