This code implements the state-of-the-art Knowledge Graph Embedding algorithms such as RESCAL, TransE, HOLE, and S-RESCAL with added Type Regularizer for Freebase. Computational Graphs are implemented using Theano. Available SGD Algorithms : ADAM, Adagrad. Algorithms are hand coded and implementing SGD variations should be straightforward.
- Create a data directory and download FB15K datasets from here
- Rename freebase_mtr100_mte100-train.txt, freebase_mtr100_mte100-valid.txt, freebase_mtr100_mte100-test.txt as train, dev, test respectively. These files should reside inside the data directory.
- Create directory ./data/experiment_specs/
- Experiment configurations are specified as JSON files inside the experiment_specs directory.
- An example configuration file (freebase_bilinear.json) can be found in the repository.
- "batch_size": Train Batch Size (default 300),
- "entity_dim": Embedding Dimension (must be specified),
- "exp_name": Experiment Name,
- "is_dev": True if you want to test on validation data (must be specified),
- "is_typed": True if you want to use Type Regularizer (default False),
- "alpha": Strength of Type Regularizer (default 1.0),
- "l2": Strength of L2 regularizer (must be specified),
- "model": Model (bilinear, transE, s-rescal, hole) (must be specified),
- "num_epochs": Max number of epochs (default 100),
- "param_scale": Parameter Initialization Scale (default 0.1)
Additional specifications (early stopping, save and report time, etc) can be changed by modifying
To train and test simply run
python "data_dir" "experiment_name"
where experiment_name is the name of the JSON file without the .json extension. For example
python ./data/ freebase_bilinear
- Implementing new model
- Implement Theano models in
- Implement bprop, cost (fprop) and init_f for parameter initialization functions in Additionally if your model has a different architecture then you may need to implement gradient collection and data unpacking methods.
- Implementing SGD Algorithm
- Extend the Updater class in and add an update method.