Scan a code or input it via command line and a QR Code is generated, resized, and output to the [Embedded Artists 2.7" screen] ( from a raspberry pi
Below are the required libraries for getting started. ImageMagick will install a large amount of libraries to pull from for all different types of images.
- [qrencode] (
sudo apt-get install qrencode
- ImageMagick
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
- LibFUSE Driver
sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev
- git
sudo apt-get install git
- [EPD driver] (
- In a suitable directory
git clone
- In a suitable directory
- [This repository] (
- In a suitable directory
git clone
- In a suitable directory
- [Turn on SPI interface] (
sudo raspi-config
- 8 Advanced Options > A6 SPI > Enable > Yes (load by default) > OK > Finish
sudo reboot
- Python Development
sudo apt-get install python-dev
- pip (Python Package Installer)
- Python 2
sudo apt-get install python-pip
#will install python 2 if you don't have it
- Python 3? Visit here
- Python 2
- PIL Python Imaging Library
pip install Pillow
To Test EPD:
sudo modprobe spi-bcm2708
make rpi-epd_test COG_VERSION=V2
sudo ./driver-common/epd_test 2.7
To Install EPD Driver:
sudo service epd-fuse start # Start epd-fuse
ls -l /dev/epd # Check installation of epd, folder should contain many things.
sudo make rpi # make all targets
sudo make rpi-install # install to run on boot
sudo python
Most barcode readers are seen as keyboards by the OS. The important part is to have it set to add a newline after each read. This newline will cause the program to proceed with the code. If there are issues, see the following help forums:
ePpyper is a library built in python to write to these displays, but for some reason it no longer works with the display. It doesn't require installation of the EPD driver because it has its own built-in. I believe it might have been built for the previous version of the screen, which might explain why it doesn't write to the screen itself. epyper will pull in Wiring and Pillow as requirements through pip.
- epyper
pip install epyper