Releases: bgrabitmap/bgracontrolsfx
Releases Β· bgrabitmap/bgracontrolsfx
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.6.1
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.6
- Added FXProgressBar
- Added FXRadialProgressBar
- Added icons
- Removed FXInvalidate. Using normal invalidate instead.
- Added 'Circular' property in FXMaterialButton (now you can have a perfect rounded button)
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.5
- Added FXBaseButton class (Now you can create new buttons easily with this)
- Fixes in buttons (Font, AutoSize..)
- Fixes in shadow for FXMaterialButton
- Using FPGObjectList instead of FPGList to free automatically FXLayers objects
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.4
- Renamed FXMaterialDesignButton to FXMaterialButton
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.3
- Fixes in Colorize method
- Updated FXNativeButton
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.2
- Added FXLayers support
- Improved painting
- Fix for resizing controls
- Fix in FXNativeButton under Linux
- Fix for buttons mouse click
BGRA Controls FX v0.1.1
- Added new control FXNativeButton
- A lot of fixes
BGRA Controls FX v0.1
New package!
BGRA Controls FX is a set of OpenGL Controls for Lazarus. It works with BGRAOpenGL. The controls are hybrid, so you can place them in FXContainer to get hardware acceleration or place them in a normal form to draw them with normal canvas.
Available controls:
- FXContainer
- FXButton
- FXMaterialDesignButton
Available tests:
- test_hybrid
- test_multi_containers
- test_panel
- test_receive_and_lock_paint