Supports Google Analytics v4!
pnpm i --save-dev @beyonk/svelte-google-analytics
In App.svelte
import { GoogleAnalytics } from '@beyonk/svelte-google-analytics'
<GoogleAnalytics properties={[ 'google property id A', ...'google property id X' ]} />
Component accepts two additional properties: enabled
and configurations
props which accepts an object type with configurations for the properties. The key in this object is the id of the property.
Example on disabling automatic pageviews for the id-1
properties={[ 'id-1' ]}
configurations={{ 'id-1': { 'send_page_view': false } }} />
The enabled
prop set to true
by default.
Logic can be added here to disable/enable analytics.
If you disable tracking by default, for instance, due to GDPR, then you can enable it later by calling init()
on your component:
properties={[ 'id-1' ]}
enabled={false} />
function enableAnalytics () {
With Google Analytics v4, most basic events are automatic. See the docs
(see Google Analytics offical docs - Pageviews) for more info
All events specified in the documentation are implemeneted (generated automatically from scraping the docs pages and building the project!)
import { ga } from '@beyonk/svelte-google-analytics'
function handleClick () {
ga.games.earnVirtualCurrency('SvelteBucks', 50)
<button on:click={handleClick}>Get 50 SvelteBucks</button>
Custom events can be tracked with addEvent
import { ga } from '@beyonk/svelte-google-analytics'
function handleClick () {
ga.addEvent('event_name', {
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'qux'
To send an event to a different property, specify the property id as the last parameter to the event: send_to
ga.games.earnVirtualCurrency('SvelteBucks', 50, 'Property Id B')
To split user to different segment, such as language preference or geographic location, set the Properties with setUserProperties
and setup custom dimension on Google Analytics dashboard. For more information see Google Analytics Documentation.
favorite_composer: 'Mahler',
favorite_instrument: 'double bass',
season_ticketholder: 'true'
To identify user inside GA and link their sessions together, set the Properties with setUserId
To add a Google Analytics ID after initialization call the setConfig
and pass optional configuration options.
ga.setConfig('ga_id', opts)