Releases: bensladden/vue-fabric-wrapper
SVG from url and image from url are now reactive
url prop is now reactive for each component.
svg component also allows for prop.sync binding.
TODO: svg group events are currently not emitted.
Canvas dimensions now reactive and overlay image implemented
Also overlay and background colors are reactive.
Added canvas-update event
This event exposes the canvas to the parent component.
Modifying Grid Examples
Two examples now one using dots and the other using lines. Next step is to add snappable options and gridlines to objects when snappable is on
Multiple Canvas on same page
New Feature for multiple canvas on same page by use of optional id prop.
Breaking Change =>
Modified animation props and emits for shorter notation.
Added Shadow
v0.3.20 build for release
Gradient Added
v0.3.10 built for release
Animation Added
Docs and animation added to project
Decreased build size
Removed vue as dep and made it devdep
Removed $parent intraction.
parent child dependency removed. Now using provide/inject thus allowing for custom components to work (see grid and Image from SVG as examples of this.