Hello, Welcome to the NC-News Backend API repository!
Created for the Northcoders Backend Review Project, this repository is a RESTful API that supplies the backend infrastructure for the managment of data in the NC News database and can handle core logic and database interactions.
With endpoints for articles, users, topics, comments, as well as added feature functions and queries, this API allows users to easily navigate around and interact with a production level database.
Here is a link to the live, humourously named, hosted version:
- RESTful API design for easy integration
- Input validation and error handling
- Modular Structure
- Logging and monitoring for debugging and performance
Getting Started
Here is some guidance on how to get a copy of the project running in your local environment.
- Node.js (version 22.7.0 or higher)
- npm (or yarn) for dependencies
- PostgreSQL (version 16.4 or higher) for database interactions
- Necessary Environment Variables - see "dotenv" examples below
(all instructions written for bash in your linux or ios terminal)
Clone the repo with the link
git clone https://github.com/benedict-robinson/NC-News-Backend
Install dependencies
npm install
Set up environment variables
Check that you have installed "dotenv", if not, do so
Copy and modify the .env.example file to match your configuration
cp .env.example
## PGDATABASE=your_database_here
Setup Database(s) and seed data
npm run setup-dbs
npm run seed
Begin hosting
npm run start
The API should now be listening on http://localhost:1789
Example Endpoints
- GET /api: Shows all available endpoints
- GET /api/articles: Shows all articles
- POST /api/topics: Posts a new topic
- PATCH /api/articles/:article_id: Changes vote count on article specified by unique ID
- DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id: Deletes comment specified by unique ID
Error Handling
Endpoint success/failure is denoted by the use of standard HTTP status codes:
- 200 OK: Successful request
- 201 Created: Successful Creation (for POST endpoints only, successful PATCHes are included in 200)
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid request parameters
- 404 Not Found: Endpoint, Query or Unique ID not found 500 Internal Server Error: Server-side error Testing
Run all tests (utils and app) using the following command:
npm test
For only tests on the server (app), run the following
npm run app-test
For enquires or support, general or specific, please contact:
Name: Benedict Robinson
Email: [email protected]
GitHub: benedict-robinson
Thank you for your interest in the NC-News Backend API repository!
This portfolio project was created as part of a Digital Skills Bootcamp in Software Engineering provided by Northcoders