A Karma Reporter for test times stats. See histogram of time your tests take, and identify slow tests.
Install package:
npm install karma-time-stats-reporter --save-dev
in your karma config:
module.exports = function(config) {
// other keys ommited for brevity
reporters: ["dots", "time-stats"],
// This is config options for the reporter. Listed here are the defaults if you don't provide this any options
timeStatsReporter: {
reportTimeStats: true, // Print Time Stats (histogram)
binSize: 100, // Bin size for histogram (in milliseconds)
slowThreshold: 500, // The threshold for what is considered a slow test (in milliseconds).
// This is also the max value for last bin histogram
// Note that this will automatically be rounded up to be evenly divisible by binSize
reportSlowestTests: true, // Print top slowest tests
showSlowTestRankNumber: false // Displays rank number next to slow tests, e.g. `1) Slow Test`
longestTestsCount: 5, // Number of top slowest tests to list
// Set to `Infinity` to show all slow tests. Useful in combination with `reportOnlyBeyondThreshold` as `true`
reportOnlyBeyondThreshold: false // Only report tests that are slower than threshold