This is an ngbp wrapper which makes it easy to develop multiple projects by:
- Share common/library codes between builds & compiles.
- Run them similtaneously without port overlaps.
plugin to develop from localhost rather than file system.
-- app1/
|-- src/
|-- vendor/
|-- node_modules/
|-- build/
|-- bin/
|-- Gruntfile.js
|-- package.json ...
-- app2/
-- common1/
-- common2/
-- grunt_conf/
app1 & app2
: your regular ngbp applicationcommon1 & common2
: you can include .js, .spec, .tpl.html, .less files and it will be treated as if it was in thesrc
: grunt related tasks & other configruation.
After cloning the repo you should enter each app folders & install dependencies like regular ngbp.
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ cd app1
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt watch
To compile it for production
$ grunt
To add another app folder you just need same directory structure & configure build.conf.js
file to have different port numbers than others.