Plotter is a mathematics function grapher.
You might ask
" What is special about this one? There are a lot of such things out there."
So I won't give you a huge explanation for why it's better because
Either use it here :
or just clone the repository to your local machine and you're good to go.
The whole motive is - It's simple
No complex values to set.
No need to install something new.
Just, Input a function, your desired domain
and you'll get a beautiful graph for your function in the given domain.
Ummm, okay, you dont like the color of the graph.
NO , We don't have a 8 color pickup menu, where you can pick out of just a few colors
Rather, You can choose literally any color you want.
Here are some examples of divine graphs using plotter
Witch of Agnesi
where a=1 in the following example,
Another Cool graph
Plotter will be updated with new features very frequently.
So, don't forget to follow.
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and If you have a suggestion, Please tell me at :