Changes were made to the core module package.
Changes were made to the project scaffolder package.
Something somewhere is not working as intended.
Some changes have been requested by a maintainer before merging.
Changes or requests to change a dependecy in the hierarchy.
Changes or requests to change the documentation.
Duplicate of another issue or pull request.
New feature or feature request.
Changes were made in the .github directory.
Good issues for new contributors to approach.
Asking for outside help and/or contributions to this particular issue or PR.
Invalid issue or pr, maintainers looked it over somethines incorrect.
Provide a minimal example for the feature or change you are requesting.
Issue related with the project itself. Usually project maintenance.
Feature or change proposal.
Further information is requested by contributors/maintainers.
Issues and prs that have be inactive for a while.
Issue accepted, looking for community contributors to implement.
Issue has been claimed by a community contributor.
This issue has not been triaged by maintainers yet.
This will not be worked on nor considered in the future.