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This crate has utilities for connecting different types of pipeline nodes together where each can perform an operation on some data. It includes facilities for building pipelines of nodes and enforcing different kinds of access for different handlers.


The core element is a Node. A node has a name (for user-friendliness when gathering stats, etc.), a data handler, an optional next Node and an optional previous Node. It also gathers statistics about the data that has passed through it. The Node type is responsible for managing the flow of data, but does not operate on the data in any way.

By default, nodes track a number of stats:

  • The number of data items received by the node
  • The number of data items forwarded by the node
  • The number of data items discarded by the node
  • The number of times a data handler had an error while processing data
  • How much time, in total, the data handler has spent processing the data

Data handlers

Inside every Node is a data handler which will operate on the data in some way. There are different categories of data handlers:

  • Observers: observers observe data passing through but cannot change the data in any way
  • Tranformers: transformers may transform the value of the data in some way
  • Filters: filters cannot change data, but decide whether a piece of data should continue through the pipeline
  • Consumers: consumers consume the data in some way and act as a termination point for a pipeline
  • Demuxers: demuxers channel data into one of possibly multiple paths based on predicates

Each data handler category has a corresponding trait that can be implemented by your types to perform some operation.

Data handlers can define their own stats that can be tracked in addition to the ones tracked by Node.

Writing a data handler

To write a data handler:

  1. Define your type
  2. Implement the corresponding handler trait
  3. Implement Into<SomeDataHandler> for your type (or use the macro)
Observer example A node that logs all data items:
  // The handler type
  struct DataLogger {
      num_logs: u32,

  // Implement the `DataObserver` trait: we just need to observe the data,
  // not change it
  impl<T> DataObserver<T> for DataLogger
      T: Debug,
      fn observe(&mut self, data: &T) {
          self.num_logs += 1;

      // Only need to implement this if your node has its own stats
      fn get_stats(&self) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
              "num_logs": self.num_logs,

  // Enable conversion of your type into the `SomeDataHandler` enum
  impl<T> Into<SomeDataHandler<T>> for DataLogger
      T: Debug,
      fn into(self) -> SomeDataHandler<T> {
Transformer example A node which doubles all values
// The handler type
struct DataDoubler;

// Implement the `DataTransformer` trait since we want to change the value.
// Here we're just going to operate on u32s
impl DataTransformer<u32> for DataDoubler
  fn transform(&mut self, data: u32) -> Result<T> {
    Ok(data * 2)

// Enable conversion of your type into the `SomeDataHandler` enum
impl Into<SomeDataHandler<u32>> for DataDoubler
    fn into(self) -> SomeDataHandler<T> {


A pipeline is a set of Nodes that are connected together. Pipelines do not exist as a "persistent" type, but the PipelineBuilder does make it easy to connect Nodes together. The output of the PipelineBuilder::build method is the first Node of the pipeline.

Pipeline building example

let pipeline = PipelineBuilder::new()
        "odd/even demuxer",
            ConditionalPath {
                predicate: Box::new(|num: &u32| num % 2 == 0),
                next: PipelineBuilder::new()
                    .attach(Node::new("1a", DataLogger))
                    .attach(Node::new("2a", DataLogger))
                    .attach(Node::new("3a", DataLogger))
            ConditionalPath {
                predicate: Box::new(|num: &u32| num % 2 == 1),
                next: PipelineBuilder::new()
                    .attach(Node::new("1b", DataLogger))
                    .attach(Node::new("2b", DataLogger))
                    .attach(Node::new("3b", DataLogger))


Nodes support the concept of "visitors" to allow walking a pipeline and collecting information, like stats. The StatsNodeVisitor type is already defined, but custom visitors could be written as well.