This document explains how to migrate from RedKite CMS 1.1.2 to next upcoming release.
Please notice that you will just upgrade to the new directory structure that will be officially released when the 1.1.3 version will be deployed, so your application will be the 1.1.2 using the next filesystem structure.
There are two possibilities to upgrade your application:
- From composer
- Copying RedKite CMS bundles into the src folder of your application (suggested)
Follows these steps to upgrade from composer:
Be sure you composer.json requires the right RedKite CMS packages version:
"require": { [...] "redkite-cms/redkite-cms-bundle": "1.1.", "redkite-cms/installer-bundle": "1.1.", "redkite-labs/modern-business-theme-bundle": "1.1.", "redkite-labs/bootbusiness-theme-bundle": "1.1.", "redkite-cms/redkite-cms-base-blocks": "1.1.", "redkite-cms/tinymce-block-bundle": "1.1." },
then run
php composer.phar update
- RedKite CMS is highly decoupled from your Symfony2 application and, since 1.1.3 release, it lies on its own kernel. For that reason the BootbusinessBUndle has been removed from the AppKernel and moved to the new kernel. Read this document to learn more about this topic. If you prefer to continue autoloading your themes in the production environment, you can safety skip this step.
Open the app/AppKernel.php file and remove the following code:
from registerBundles method:
new RedKiteLabs\BootstrapBundle\RedKiteLabsBootstrapBundle(),
$bootstrapper = new \RedKiteLabs\BootstrapBundle\Core\Autoloader\BundlesAutoloader(__DIR__, $this->getEnvironment(), $bundles);
$bundles = $bootstrapper->getBundles();
from registerContainerConfiguration method:
$configFolder = __DIR__ . '/config/bundles/config/' . $this->getEnvironment();
if (is_dir($configFolder)) {
$finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder();
$configFiles = $finder->depth(0)->name('*.yml')->in($configFolder);
foreach ($configFiles as $config) {
then add the following code to registerBundles method:
// RedKiteCms Active Theme
$bundles[] = new RedKiteLabs\ThemeEngineBundle\RedKiteLabsThemeEngineBundle();
$bundles[] = new RedKiteCms\Theme\ModernBusinessThemeBundle\ModernBusinessThemeBundle();
// End RedKiteCms Active Theme
If you don't use the ModernBusinessThemeBundle, replace that bundle entry with the active theme you are using in your website.
Feel free to add those bundles to $bundles array but that configuration might be mandatory when the new version will be released.
Download and apply the patch from
Remove the cache folder and run php app/console to check that everything works again for your production environment.
Run the following commands to complete the migration:
php app/rkconsole propel:model:build --env=rkcms php app/rkconsole assets:install web --env=rkcms [--symlink] php app/rkconsole assetic:dump --env=rkcms php app/rkconsole ca:c --env=rkcms[_dev]
Please notice that RedKite CMS commands, the ones for the rkcms[dev] environment[s] are now run by the rkconsole instead of the standard console, this because RedKite CMS uses a new Kernel instead of the Symfony2 one, to keep things separated.
Follows these steps to upgrade by copying RedKite CMS bundles into the src folder of your application:
Remove these entries from your composer.json
"require": { [...] "redkite-cms/redkite-cms-bundle": "dev-master", "redkite-cms/installer-bundle": "dev-master", "redkite-labs/bootbusiness-theme-bundle": "dev-master", "redkite-cms/redkite-cms-base-blocks": "dev-master", "redkite-cms/tinymce-block-bundle": "dev-master" },
add these entries:
"require": {
"propel/propel-bundle": "1.2.*",
"propel/propel1": "1.7.0"
then run
php composer.phar update
Follow the step 2 from other procedure
Download and apply the patch from
Now follow the steps from point 4 of the other procedure.